Substitute teacher

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Soohyun's POV

"Welcome to class everyone. I hope you had a nice lunch. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Mr. Shin and I'll be filling in for Ms. Xiao today. I don't know much mandarin which sucks because this is advanced mandarin." That earned me a few chuckles from the class. The door opened from behind me and I sighed. "You're late Kevin." He scurried to his desk and nodded his head. "Yes, sorry Mr. Shin, I was helping out a friend, he got in a fight so I took him to the office." He stuttered, looking afraid. "Kevin…chill… gosh, you look like I just sentenced you to death, I just said you're late." I responded, sipping my tea. He chuckled and took his books out. "I know… I guess I'm just so used to being afraid of Ms. Xiao I forgot you're such a lovely teacher." He murmured shyly. smirking, I walked to his desk. "Well thanks." I began. I wish this tea was cafinated; I'm so tired. "Also, please come see me after school, I want to clear the air as to what happened at the café. I'll be in the dance room." I whispered. He nodded and opened his book. "Alright class, because I don't know much, I'm just going to give you this hand out from Ms. Xiao and trust that if I let you work in pairs, you will remain quiet and on task. or at least on task, because let's face it. You're all loud."


"Mr. Shin?" Kevin called after knocking on my door. I smiled and waved him in. He bowed and walked over, taking a seat.

'sigh..why can't he just be another student. Why do I have to feel this way for him? I shouldn't have dragged him into my life like I did.' I thought to myself. "I don't know where to start. You deserve some enlightenment though, as Eli said. I suppose I'll just start at the beginning."

"That's as good a place as any." He chuckled, playing with his hands. "Yes, ha ha, smarty pants. Anyway, I met Jungyin when I was in high school. He was the sweetest guy I've ever met. Yes, I'm gay if you haven't noticed already. He was the only person in the school other than myself who was out of the closet so we just kinda clicked. We always hung out, spent lunch together. In grade 11, People would bully us a lot but we didn't care. we were in love. When we graduated, we moved to Korea and attended this university. Ironic that I end up teaching here. But, in our second year of college, his parents disowned him because they found out he was with me. I felt bad so we broke up for about a month but then we missed each other and got back together. He was staying with his uncle at the time. Year three, he began drinking, often coming to school drunk and it kinda scared me. He would be aggressive, skip classes, sass the teachers; It wasn't like him. Halfway through the year, his uncle passed away which of course made it worse. Then he came to live in the dorms with me. I graduated uni and got a teaching degree; he didn't graduate. I was always afraid of him, but he never hit me or anything." I lied, taking a deep breath. Kevin didn't need to know everything. "Yeah, that's obviously not a lie." He replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "This is all so sad… My condolences." He furrowed his eyebrows, giving me an adorable sad look. "Thanks.." I chuckled dryly, fiddling with my thumbs. "I've not told many people my story, but Its my fault for dragging you into this, bringing you to café late and all. So, you deserve to understand. I was saying… okay so he did abuse me a lot.. verbally and physically, but that's not important. I'm used to it." Kevin's face fell, tears at his eyes. I placed a reassuring hand  on his. "So, after uni, I got a job teaching here, at Korea University and Jungyin took up gambling. He had a major winning streak making him think he was on top of the world. He would constantly rule me. He broke up with me over text not to long ago though and that's probably a good thing," I finished, receiving a sad glare from Kevin. "So now I'm single and ready to mingle, I guess." I attempted to break the silence, chuckling and looking away, awkwardly.

"Wow…" Kevin said after a while. "That's so sad. I'm sorry.."

   "It's alright, Sunghyun." I muttered. He looked up confused. "How did you.."

   "It's on your file. 'Sunghyun Woo, English name Kevin.' Why do you go by Kevin? Sunghyun is such a graceful, powerful name." I smirked as he blushed and shrugged. "I lived in America for a long time with my parents and I just got used to Kevin. I'm not really used to Sunghyun. Only Xander calls me that.." He said sheepishly. "Oh. Well, I'll call you Kevin then if you'd li-" "No, no, I like Sunghyun, you can call me that. I mean… if you want." He cut me off, going redder. "You're adorable." I chuckled, leaning back in my seat. He gave me a confused face, only proving my point. "So, now you know a lot into my life. Much more than you should know about a teacher. Tell me about yourself?" I asked, sipping my tea again and grimacing as it has now gotten cold. He thought for a second, almost zoning out. "I'm not sure what to tell. Well, I could tell you about me and my best friend; Alexander." I sighed, smiling. "Ah yes. I know Xander. He was a very good student. My best dancer. Until you came along of course." I winked, throwing out what was left of my arctic tea. Kevin's face went back and forth between shocked, confused, and shy. "You should see your face right now, It's like you aren't sure how you want to react to what I just said. It's hilarious really " He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. "Well, first off, I'm just not used to hearing the words 'good' and 'student' side by side while talking about Xander... and I didn't know oppa dances.." he practically whispered to himself. Did he just call him oppa.. that's… wait, I'm confused...

"I don't. Can we go, Kevin? I'd rather not be here right now and the nurse recommended I take it easy, get rest. Hello, Soohyun." Alexander stated flatly from the doorway. "Hello Xander." I waved to him, smiling and standing up. Why did he deny it? He's so good. "I suppose we'll talk again some time..Sunghyun." I put my hands in my pocket, as he blushed. "Good day, Soohyun." he replied, hesitating on calling me by my first name, making me smile even wider. Too cute. "You too." and with that, he disappeared out the door with Alexander.

Kevin's POV

"Let me drive." Alexander whined, giving me a puppy face. Sighing, I opened the passenger side for him. "No. you're in no condition to be doing anything, oppa."

I got in the drivers seat of the car, putting the key in the ignition. "Don't call me that." He mumbled. I almost felt hurt; Alexander always let me call him oppa.. "What do you mean?"

He looked up at me, his lip quivering. "Is that all you see me as? A brother? And you aren't even a female so why do you always say oppa instead of hyung, but either way I'm not a brother, I want to be more than that Kevin, can't you see how I feel for you?" He was sort of crying while talking; almost a weep. I've never seen him like this.. "What? I don't understand what you're going on about Alexander. You need rest, let's go ho-" The next thing I knew, Alexander had me pinned back, his lips pressed on mine. My eyes got wide. I wasn't sure what to do. His lips felt warm and comforting on mine, but awkward at the same time.

"Saranghae.." he whispered after pulling away, still inches away from my face. He… he loves me… I closed my eyes, confused. Part of me wanted to push him away and tell him he is just a friend. Part of me wanted to just run off and hide from the confusion. Part of me craved his lips again.. my heart was racing. I'm not sure how I felt about it. At the moment, there seemed to be only one way to find out. Before he could back away, I pulled him to me, kissing him. It felt less awkward this time, but still strange. I was kissing my best friend; It wasn't the same as kissing someone I love. But the dominating part of me was still the part that enjoyed the feeling. Alexander smiled softly, kissing me back. Though it only lasted a second or two, it felt like forever before he pulled away. Strangely though, I didn't mind.

The ride home was silent, shifting from comfortable to awkward many times throughout. This can't be right. I like Soohyun, Alexander is just a friend.


Sorry this chapter is short, I'm just not really motivated to write lately hahaha. Please leave a comment so I know what you think? That is, if anyone is actually reading

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