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"Xander wake up, we're here." I shook him, causing him to jolt awake before chuckling. "I just had the weirdest dream that I kissed you.. and told you I love you.. then you kissed me.. crazy right" He got out of the car as I ran a finger along my lips. He thinks it was just a dream... maybe it should stay that way for now. "Yeah... crazy." I mumbled, unlocking the door to the dorm building. I never expected Alexander to be my first kiss.


"Do you need anything, soup, a book, extra pillow, anything just ask."

he just rolled his eyes, twirling a loose thread around his finger. "I'm hurt not sick. I'll be fine, fish. I'll just rest; you go be you, hang out with someone or something. it's the weekend, live a little." I couldn't help but smile uncontrollably. "What? was it something I said?"

"Oh, nothing.. it's just, you haven't called me fish in a long time, I like it." I shrugged and left the room. "I won't go out. I want to be here for you, to make sure you're okay. sleep well... monkey." I whispered.

"aah childhood memories." he sighed, before turning to his side to sleep. And at that, I closed the door.

I don't want to leave, but it wouldn't hurt to have a friend over. chuckling when Soohyun came to mind, I pulled out my phone. I wish I had his number...

"Hoonmin, it's Kevin." I waited, hearing Hoons voice on the other end, telling me to go away. "What's wrong, Yeo? don't wanna hang out this weekend?" I pouted, grabbing an apple out of the fridge.

"You woke me up, I was having a good dream." he chuckled in reply. "What do you wanna do when I get there? Can we see a movie?"

"Nah, staying at home tonight. Alexander got the living daylight beaten out of him and I'm responsible for watching him so it's an at home weekend." He sighed. "I saw it coming. That poor boy needs to watch out; sometimes he's a little more cocky than some can stand. If he's not careful, it'll happen more than he expects." Hoon warned, taking on his fatherly nature. "Tell me something I don't know Hoonmin." I bit my apple and headed to the couch. "There might me something good on TV. come over and we'll see what we can do."

"Sounds good. I'll be over in a few. We should get together in our practice room and, well, practice. Not today of course but soon."

Yawn. I rolled my eyes and continued chewing my apple. "We've sang together and danced together so many times, I could do the steps in my sleep, and sing the song backwards. We should actually perform one day. There are plenty local cafés to perform at, talent shows and stuff. Why are you so shy in public? You have a beautiful voice." I paused, listening to the response he always gives my before saying, "I know, I know you want to practice more and find more members for our band and yadda yadda yadda. Xander is a great singer. He would never admit it though. But that doesn't matter, we're good as a duet, we should get a gig somewhere or at least post something on YouTube." I mumbled, flipping through channels on TV. After a long pause, he piped up from the other end. "In reality, Kevin, I'm just really nervous. I'm driving now, I'll see you soon." And before I could say anything, he hung up. sigh. poor oppa.

Soohyun's POV

Alexander was the best student I had in a long time. And from what I've seen, Kevin is the next Xander of my class. I still remember the moment I realized Xanders true potential. It was November 18th, of last year. Just days before the 2006 National Dance Competition.

"Alexander Lee, you could at least put some effort into this class or do I have to do something about your attitude?" I ran a hand over my face in order to calm down, receiving an eye roll. "Yeah sure, send me to the office, whatever." he groaned, leaning against my desk. "No, Xander. That won't help you. All you ever do is go to the office, it might as well be considered your part time job. I won't discipline you, only switch you out. It's obvious you don't want to be here so you can leave. I can get you signed up for construction if you'd like, or drama has a few spots open but I don't want to have to put you through something you don't want to go through." I shrugged and sat down, looking up at him, already knowing he didn't like that idea. I could see the twitch in his eye, a silent plea against it. I wasn't sure how or why, but I've always known he made sure he got into dance on purpose. "I-ah-well-FINE." he yelled, racing out the door, and I could see tear threatening to fall. He was more upset about this than I thought.

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