She's just confused

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Mike was at Chloe's house again, she asked him to stay over the night before. Her parents were still not back and Mike was beginning to worry that they weren't coming back. This was the longest they'd ever been gone. But where could they have gone? Hawkins was a small town where everyone knew everyone. You saw everyone everywhere.

So by now, he would have at least seen them somewhere in town, but he hadn't. If they weren't in Hawkins that meant they were either out of town, or they were good at hiding from everyone.

Chloe didn't seem to bothered by it though, she tried to keep her mind off of it by inviting Mike over and watching different movies. Sometimes, he would take her out to the movies to see something she hadn't seen so she could focus on that instead of her parents. Most of the time it would work.

But today it didn't seem like a movie day. They were both hungry and it was later in the afternoon, so Chloe suggested going to the diner. She liked talking to Dustin and even if she didn't get to talk to El that much, she still wanted to get to know her.

So they drove to the diner and Mike saw cars crowding the outside of the diner. "It's going to be kind of busy, but we can stay after the rush so we can talk to everyone. Does that sound good?" Chloe nodded, "Yeah that's fine." They got out of the car and walked hand in hand into the diner.

They found a small booth to sit in and waited for someone to come up and take their order. Mike decided to get a hamburger and a milkshake and Chloe got the same. Mike glanced around the diner for El but he couldn't spot her. She was probably in the kitchen.

As soon as El saw Mike walk into the diner she darted into the kitchen and in the storage room, Dustin following right behind her. "El, you can't hide from him forever."

"Yes, I can." Dustin rolled his eyes and grabbed her arm to pull her out of the room. "Dusty, please don't make me go over there. I don't want to look at them." El's eyes were begging for Dustin to listen to her. "Okay well, you know Mike is going to ask to see you. So don't hide back here forever please."

Dustin walked off to go start taking orders and he went up to Mike and Chloe's table. "Dustin, what's up?" Mike asked, "Nothing much, glad to see both of you here again." Chloe smiled at him. He took their orders, "Is El here?" Chloe asked she wanted to get to know her. "Yeah, she's in the back. I'll bring her out for you."

Dustin took a few more orders and went back to the kitchen to get El. "I'm afraid your game of solo hide and seek is over, Chloe wants to see you." El groaned, "Do I have to go?"

Dustin rolled his eyes and pulled her out of the kitchen and out into the diner. He then shoved her towards their table and told her he'd start cooking the food. She sighed and put on a smile for Mike and Chloe and made her way to their table.

Maybe if she didn't pay attention to Mike, she wouldn't have to deal with her feelings at all. So she would just focus more on Chloe, that's what she wanted right? As El got closer to the table she saw Mike laugh at something Chloe had said, she tried her best not to feel her heart aching.

She stopped at the table, "Hey Mike, hey Chloe." She said, trying to get his name out of her mouth as quickly as possible. "Hey, El! I feel like we never really got to talk much the other night, so I asked Mike if we could come here, I'd love to get to know you better. Mike says so many good things about you."

God, why did she have to make it harder for her to ignore him?? "Oh yeah! I'll ask Dustin if he can cover for me." Chloe nodded at her and El went back to the kitchen to see how Dustin was doing. He was putting burgers on and off the grill, El hated to leave him to cook and serve but he wanted her to do this.

𝐏𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now