Two Can Play at That Game

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el wears this dress ^^

Song: Fool by Cavetown


El was just setting up the diner for the day, wiping down tables and setting menus on the tables like she always did when she saw a pair of car headlights pull into the diner parking lot. Squinting her eyes she tried to see whose car it was. It wasn't Dustin's, though it was familiar.

She didn't know who would want to come to the diner that early in the morning, but one person she knew tended to do that a lot.

Mike. She saw the figure get out of the car and walk up to the front door of the diner and raise their fist to knock on the glass door. El set her rag down and walked over to the door and saw that it was Mike. He waved timidly at her and El opened the door happily.

"Hey," She said, wiping down her apron quickly. "Hey." He said, "What's up?"

"Nothing much, I've been thinking a lot about what you said yesterday and I thought maybe you'd like to come with Chloe and me to get something to eat, maybe get your mind off of a few things...If Dustin can come, bring him along. What do ya' say?" El widened her eyes, she didn't want to go. She knew it was a bad idea but she couldn't say no to him. He came all the way here just to ask her that so she couldn't say no.

"Yeah, sure! I'll ask Dustin what he's doing later tonight and I can get someone to cover my night shift." Mike grinned, "Great! Chloe and I could pick you guys up or you and Dustin can meet us there?"

The thought of being in the same car as the both of them did not seem pleasant. If it was just Mike, of course, she would say yes but with Chloe there, it was a no. "Dustin and I can meet you there." El confirmed, "Okay, great! We were thinking of going to that new taco place just outside of town around 5?" El nodded, "Sounds good!"

"Cool, guess I'll be on my way then." He started to turn around but El tapped his shoulder before he could leave. "You could stay a little, after all, you did just drive here and now you're leaving? I could make you some coffee or something?"

Mike thought, he was supposed to be going to Chloe's house but El was right. He did just get there, it wouldn't hurt to stay a little longer right?


Mike did stay at the diner, but not for long. Once he finished his cup of coffee he left. Now El had to anxiously wait for Dustin to arrive at the diner, she knew he would get there soon enough. Only a few people came in after El did so while she waited for Dustin to arrive she called her co-worker, Bob to ask if he could cover for her later. He agreed and said he would come at 4.

It would only be hours before 5 o'clock came around and she would have to go get something to eat with Chloe and Mike. She didn't want to go but she didn't have a choice, she already said yes and there was no turning back then. She had to figure out what she was going to wear, maybe this was one of the special occasions where she could wear some of her nicer clothes since she never got to wear them anyways.

El had a great taste in fashion but what she adored wearing most were dresses. She never knew why but she always felt so much freedom when wearing them. She wasn't trying to impress anyone when she wore one but she did like looking nice for a change.

Maybe she'd wear something nice tonight.

After about 10 minutes Dustin finally arrived, he walked through the door and walked towards El while he spun his car keys around a finger. "Ellie, what's up my guy?" El rolled her eyes at him. "Nothing- well actually a lot."

"Oh? Go on," He urged her to continue. "Okay, so Mike comes here today early this morning. Around 6. But anyway, he wanted to know if you and I wanted to go to that new taco shop outside of town. I couldn't say no because he drove up here this early in the morning so I said you and I would go. I don't know if you have plans tonight, but if you do that's fine because I'll just go by myself and suffer-"

𝐏𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now