Do you love him?

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El was regretting all of her life decisions right now.

She was driving to Chloe's house with Mike in her passenger seat. He was instructing her on where to turn and which house it would be. Mike said he talked to Chloe and he said she agreed to go to El's house. Since it was Thursday, El had a day off from work. She cleared out the spare room in her house and already talked to Hopper about it.

Hopper was okay with it and he said he'd be glad to help El's "friend". So she cleared out the room and moved some things around to make it more habitable for a girl her age. El didn't feel like making small talk with Mike right now, what was there to say anyway?

He told her to turn left and Chloe's house would be the small house at the end of the street. She followed his instructions and pulled into the driveway behind the small black car. "Okay, you stay here and I'll go get her. She said she'd be ready." El nodded and watched Mike go up to Chloe's front door and knock. He stood there for a second and then the door opened and Chloe walked out.

She hugged him and then the two walked over to El's car and got in. Chloe got in the back and Mke got in the front again. "Thank you so much for doing this, El," Chloe said as she put her bag on the floor by her feet.

"No problem," El replied. She pulled out of the driveway and began driving to her house. "Fair warning, my house is in the middle of nowhere. But it's super cozy so there's nothing to worry about." El commented.

"That's okay," Chloe chuckled, "Will Dustin be there?" Mike asked, his head turning to face El. She shrugged, "Don't know. I told him he could but you never know with him. He could be sleeping in my room when we get there, who knows?"

The rest of the car ride was mostly silent, a few comments made every so often and then they arrived at the cozy cabin. El parked her car in front of the porch and turned the engine off. "Here we are."

Everyone got out of the car and El went to unlock the front door. She walked inside, Mike and Chloe following behind her. Chloe looked around the place she would be calling her home for the next few days, it was nothing like she expected. It was more homey than her house was and warmer than her house was.

El lead her over to the guest bedroom, which was right next to hers. "This is your room, you can put your clothes and everything in the closet and make yourself at home. My room is right next to yours if you need anything." El muttered as she walked into her room, not bothering to close the door behind her.

Dustin wasn't here, or not yet and El needed him right now. She didn't want to be in this house alone with those two, she needed someone to talk to. She laid down on her bed and closed her eyes. Thursdays were the only day where she could relax and she wasn't going to let Chloe and Mike take that away from her. She got up quickly to put in her cassette tape into her radio and then went back to her bed.

"Cool room." El opened her eyes and saw Mike standing in the doorway. She looked around her room, it looked like any other girls room. "Thanks?"

"What are you listening to?" He asked, gesturing to her radio. El always liked 50s music over any popular songs that played on the radio nowadays. El shrugged, not sure of the song herself. She had heard the song before but never knew what the name of it was.

"You can come in, you don't have to just stand there," El said, Mike, flushed and then stepped inside her room. He looked at the pictures on her mirror of her and Dustin at a swimming pool when they were younger, he looked at all the posters of singers and movies on her walls. There was a bookshelf in the corner with dozens of books thrown in there lazily, she had shelves with stuffed animals and a snow globe on it.

𝐏𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now