Girls day

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I didn't re read this so if it doesn't make sense boo-hoo 


Mike walked into the diner later the next day instead of coming in early like he usually did. Earlier, El was anticipating his arrival, but when the time passed and he still hadn't shown up, she eventually lost hope. It was strange- him not coming early.

El wondered if something was going on or if he had just slept in. But when he did walk in, she would be sure to ask him.

Around 11 o'clock he strolled through the door, "Hey El," He said with a smile on his face. "Hi. What's got you so happy?" She asked, "Oh nothing.."

"I'm guessing the date went well?" She asked, already knowing the answer herself. "It couldn't have gone better! El, you don't even know how great it was. I could just tell you about it all day."

Yeah, that's a no.

"I'd love to hear it but I have to get going on some uh, things in the back. The closet is filthy, so I should probably go um, clean that." Mike's expression fell. He always looked forward to telling El about these things. "Oh... right. But before you go, my grandparents are leaving tonight so Chloe can come to my house starting tomorrow."

"Oh great!" She said without thinking, "Oh- I-I mean, that great that she can go live with you, not that I didn't like her staying with me-"

"I understand," Mike chuckled, "Oh another thing, Chloe mentioned to me this morning she wanted to spend the day with you today, you know, as a thanks for letting her stay."

El stared at him. "She what?"

"She wants to spend the day with you unless you don't want to?" The look he was giving her made her lose her self control, again. "Oh uh- no. I do. You saw her this morning?"

"Yeah, I did. Sorry I didn't come earlier."

"You were at my house?" El asked, "Well yeah... That is where Chloe is"

"Yeah, right. Sorry... Is that all you had to tell me?" She asked, wanting to spend to further time talking about Chloe. "Yeah."

"Okay, well gotta go clean that closet..." She said awkwardly, slowly inching her way to the back door. Mike waved and El hurried back into the kitchen. If she was going to hang out with Chloe, she would have to take the day off of work. She was fine with that but she didn't want to have Bob cover for her just because she was out with Chloe.

But that's what she would have to do. After she cleaned out the closet she called Bob to ask if he could fill in for her, he gladly obliged. He was always happy to get some more hours in.

El finished her shift for the rest of the day and then went home when Bob arrived. When she got to her house she saw Mike's car in her driveway, great. El closed the door of her car and walked towards the front door. She took a breath before walking in the house, preparing herself for dealing with them both.

When she walked into the house she didn't expect to see them both watching TV on the couch. They both turned to look at her, "hey El!" Chloe said with a smile, "Oh, hey guys." El mumbled, her eyes glancing in between the couple.

"I got uh, got off early. Mike said you wanted to spend the day with me?" El asked, question in her voice. "Oh yeah! I figured we'd go on that girls day I mentioned! It's all on me, as a thank you, for letting me stay."

El nodded, "Okay, I'll go get dressed and then we can go." Chloe hummed in response and El walked into her room and closed the door behind her. El found a random purple polka-dotted dress and took her hair out of her ponytail. When she was dressed she walked out and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

𝐏𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now