just like heaven

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El's dress hehe^

Song: Just for a Moment by Olivia Rodrigo and Joshua Bassett (aka babies)

lol also, didn't feeeeel like rereading it- u know the drill.


Days passed since the day at the mini-golf and Mike could not get El out of his head. Her smile, her laugh, her outfits, everything. It was all stuck in his head and he couldn't remember feeling like this before with someone. Not even with Chloe had he felt this certain feeling within his stomach. It felt like fireworks exploding in his chest whenever he saw her and he couldn't wait until he saw her next.

Mike felt like El knew him better than most people in his life. She spent more time with him then he and Chloe had, and now El knew most of the things about him. He liked hanging out with her because he laughed more when he was with her, he did things he felt like would never do. Like what they were doing today, El suggested cloud watching. Mike would normally say was weird or boring, but he was willing to try it today.

El had a day off of work which meant he got a day off too. El, of course, asked Dustin if he wanted to come with them but he said he was hanging out with Will and Lucas today, he said they could have the day to themselves. Mike was appreciating Dustin right now.

Mike was to pick her up today because there was something wrong with her dad's car and he needed to borrow her car. The weather was supposed to be hot today in Hawkins, which no one was looking forward to but it was supposed to be a nice day otherwise, so Mike decided he would wear a light blue t-shirt and some dark shorts.

By now, it was time for Mike to go pick her up so he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab his keys. Karen was standing in the kitchen talking on the phone, probably with one of her friends from the pool, when she saw him enter the kitchen. "Hey, sweetie, where you going?" She asked when he picked up his keys.

"I'm going out with a friend." He answered, "Oh, okay. Who?"

"My friend El." Karen nodded slowly, "How long have you known her?" The blond woman asked, "Since the beginning of summer. She works at the diner downtown."

"Okay. Have fun." Karen waved him off and went back to talking to her friend on the phone. Mike waved at her and walked out of the door and he was soon hit by the suffocating heat of summer. The sun shined brightly in his eyes making him cover his eyes slightly as he went over to his car, already desperate to turn on the A/C.

He got into the car and turned the air on quickly before pulling out of the driveway and starting his route to El's house. He arrived in a short amount of time and pulled into her driveway. El came out a few moments after, she was wearing a yellow dress with white polka dots, her hair was down in its natural curls and she held a small purse in her hand along with a small bag in the other hand.

El opened the car door and sat inside with a sigh. "It's already so hot outside and it's barely afternoon!" She exclaimed while setting her purse on her lap then putting her bag on the floor next to her feet and putting her seatbelt in. El turned her head and looked at Mike, she flashed a friendly smile. "So, where are we going?" Mike asked after clearing his throat.

"The park," El says before pulling a cassette tape out of her wallet that looks all too familiar to Mike. "Can I play it?" she asks while holding it up. Mike smiles and nods, El takes it out of the clear case, he sees that the paper is gone meaning she saw the note.

El slides the tape in the player above the radio and they wait for the first song to play. Mike doesn't remember what the first song on there is but he knew that it's only there because he thought of El when he heard it. But El knows all too well what the first song is, she's listened to the tape so many times already.

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