third times the charm

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Song: Talk too Much by COIN


Chloe. There she was, flesh and blood, standing right in the diner doorway. Neither Mike or El could believe it, how did she get there? Why is she there? El was the first to speak up.

"Chloe? What- What are you doing here?" The blond girl stared blankly at them, she walked right into the diner in the middle of their first kiss. She couldn't believe it, of all things while she was gone this happened? How and why?

"I- I wanted to come back. I wanted to see Mike again but..." Mike furrowed his eyebrows at her. "You didn't even try to contact me, call me, write, nothing." He stated, if she wanted him back, there no way that was happening. The only person he wanted was El and it was going to stay that way, no one was getting in the way this time.

Chloe looked down in shame, he was right. She had multiple times she could have called Mike but she never did. A few days before her arrival back she called the Wheeler household. When she asked for Mike there was only a small high-pitched voice to answer her back.

"Hello, is uh, Mike there?" Chloe asked nervously. "No, this is Holly. Who are you?"

"I'm Chloe. Mike's Ex." She said, hesitating at the word ex. "Oh. What do you want then?" The young girl asked. "Well I'm coming back to Hawkins and I just wanted to let Mike know."

"Do you still like him?" Holly asked, "Uh, yes." Chloe responded reluctantly. "Hm. "

"Does he miss me?" Chloe asked quietly. "How am I supposed to know? He leaves early in the morning and gets back late, never see him."

Chloe knew he probably was at the diner, oh how she hadn't thought of that place in weeks. She wondered how El and Dustin were.

"Okay well... thanks anyway."

Chloe thought maybe Mike would have been happy to see her, but looking at his face he didn't look one bit happy. "Why are you here?" Mike asked, stepping closer to El. His arms were crossed and his eyebrows here huddled together.

"I uh, I missed you."

"Bullshit. What about the whole thing with your parents, huh? How'd you get them to take you back?"

"They wanted to come back too! I don't know why they wanted to leave in the first place, okay!" She argued back, not daring to get any closer to him. "If they wanted to come back so much then why did you leave? Did you even ever have to go?"

Mike was fuming. Was everything she told him just bullshit too? Everything was looking up and then she had to show up. Just when Mike finally understood everything and knew what he wanted she had to show up and ruin everything.

"Yes I did have to go, but I don't know. It's complicated." Chloe sighed. "Okay, but what do you want from us?" Mike asked.

Chloe shrugged, she couldn't say it now. Saying that she still "loved" Mike and wanted him back was pointless now. El could tell she was holding something back, and she wanted to hear what she had to say.

"If you don't need anything from me then just leave." Mike snapped. He didn't want her here, not if she was going to complicate everything. "Fine. Fine, I'll leave." She wasn't going to give up that easily, though. She needed to think of a better plan and come back again, quitters never win after all.

Mike watched as Chloe left, still feeling very upset. It wasn't just aggravating to see Chloe there, it was also upsetting. He felt a small hand on his arm and he turned to face El, she smiled reassuringly at him making all the tense muscles inside his body relax instantly.

𝐏𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now