meet the wheelers

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"So, Mike, where have you been spending your whole summer? I barely see my boy anymore!" Karen asks when she sees Mike coming down the stairs in the morning. "Oh, I work at the Cliffhouse diner downtown with uh, El." Mike says, scratching the back of his head. He still hasn't mentioned to Karen that him and El started dating and it had been almost a whole month!

"El, huh?" Karen says with a knowing smile on her face. She's seen the look on his face when he gets home at night. "You guys are just friends then?" She asks.

"Um.. no actually we've been dating for about a month now." Mike says awkwardly, not knowing what she would say. "How come you haven't told me about this?!" Karen asks, putting her hands on her hips.

"I don't know.. haven't gotten around to it I guess." Mike mutters, trying to avoid her eyes. "Well you should have her over for dinner tonight! I'd love to get to know her better, I know she came over a few times after Chloe left but to be honest, I already like her better than Chloe." Karen states with a shrug.

Mike widened his eyes, "Uh.. yeah sure, I'll ask her about it today at work. I'm sure she'd love to."

Karen smiles, "Oh great! I don't have time to go to the store but I kno I have something, so I'll put together dinner.. somehow. If she decides to come over, bring her over around 6, okay? That way your dad can meet her too." Mike rolls his eyes at her excitement. "Alright, I got to go but we'll see you later."

Karen waved, "Bye, have fun.. but not too much fun!" Mike dismisses her with the wave of his hand and walks out of the door with his keys in hand. It doesn't take him long to get to the diner where El is already cleaning off tables for the day and starting a fresh brew of coffee.

Mike pulled into the driveway and parked his car right next to El's. After locking his car he walks up the front stairs and into the front door, which makes a bell ring as he steps through the doorway. El turns around and smiles when she sees Mike walking towards her.

"Hey you," El says, the smile never never her face. "Hi," He greets before quickly pecking her lips. "So, how would you like to come to dinner at my house today to meet my parents?" Mike asks. El's eyes widen, "Wait really?"

"Yeah! My mom said she wants to meet you and you can come over for dinner later if you want."


The morning passed by swiftly and soon the afternoon rush was beginning to flood into the diner. The trio was working hard per usual, each doing their own task. All of the customer's were either new or people that stopped in often.

But then the front door bell rang as the door opened and El didn't bother to glance up at who it was, but Mike did. Mike saw who it was very clearly. He moved over to El quickly and nudged her side as the customer walked towards to counter as slow as possible.

"Hey uh, 12 o'clock," He whispered to her, his eyes never leaving the person. "What? It's past noon already-"

"No, straight ahead." He mumbled, this time El looked up from whatever she was writing down and then she saw the person. Chloe.

Great. What did she want?

Finally the blond reached the counter and leaned against it as she stared at the couple. "Long time no see! How've you two been?" She says, with the fakest possible smile. "Great." El said through gritted teeth.

"What are you doing here?" Mike doesn't hesitate to ask. "What? Am I not aloud to come here anymore? I do live here again, and I do remember the food being good, so I decided to come get some late lunch. Do you have a problem with that, bear?"

𝐏𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now