She's gone

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My attention span got very lost and I didn't really read over but that's not newww.

Doing the Unstuck by The Cure


The day has come.

The day Mike has been dreading, he barely got a wink of sleep the night before. He couldn't stop thinking of all of the things that could go wrong. He was so caught up in the things that could happen, he didn't stop to think about what would happen.

He and Chloe agreed they would get up at 5:45, they already packed all of Chloe's things the night before so today was their final goodbye. Today is far too nice of a day for the circumstances, it's a bright sunny day and it's warm. It's a perfect day and yet the worst thing to happen is happening.

Now, Chloe and Mike were waiting for Dustin and El to arrive. They were both waiting in the living room, the silence in the room was unbearable. Mike didn't know what to say, goodbye was too... fast, he didn't want to say it right now.

Chloe didn't want to upset Mike or herself any further with words so she decided not to say anything. So they both sat in the room accompanied by the silence that seemed too loud.

Then Mike decided to say something. "Is this happening?" He managed to force out, his voice was quiet and trembling with every word. Chloe nodded, "I guess so."

"And just because your leaving now, doesn't mean you won't come back? You will come back right?" Mike asked Chloe could barely hold herself together right now. "Mike... I can't know for sure."

"But if you ever got the chance to come back, would you?"

"Yeah, of course, I would," She answered softly, "You know I love you too much to stay away for too long." She teased, making him smile slightly. Then Mike realized that they never talked about how this whole thing is going to affect their relationship. Would they have to break up?

"Wait, because of this... are we.." Mike sighed, "Breaking up?" He was careful with his words, not knowing the right thing to say. Chloe had a look in her eyes that made Mike know the answer but he couldn't admit it to himself. "Yes, I don't know how we'd manage a long-distance relationship if I don't have a communication system.. it's just going to be too hard for us."

Chloe did not want this to happen but what other solution did they have? In defeat Mike looked down at his lap, why did the universe feel to be so cruel to him? Did he do something wrong? If so, what could he have possibly done?

Chloe grabbed his hand and squeezed it sympathetically. "I'm sorry Mike, it's for the best. Don't you agree? That way we don't have to suffer." She said, trying to make it somewhat better. But that only made things worse.

"How can I not be suffering? Your leaving today and we broke up, how can you not be upset about that?" Mike replied quietly, "I am, I am upset. I just have a different perspective on things." 

"How is your perspective different than mine? We are both experiencing the same thing." Mike questioned, he needed answers to her foolish answers. "That's not what I meant, I just... I am upset, Mike. It's just hard for me to process all of this right now. I don't know what's going to happen to me. If I could stay here, you know that I would. I would rather die than leave here. On top of all of that, I have to leave you and that's one of the hardest things to do."

Mike stayed silent, he wished El would show up right now. He didn't want to deal with all of this right at this moment. He thought, wouldn't it just be easier if I said goodbye and she left already? All of the extra time they had was far too much and Mike didn't know what to do with it all.

𝐏𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now