no money, no diner

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Over the past few weeks, El had noticed the decline in customers that came into the diner. Of course the regular's stopped in on their usual days, but what bothered her the most was how the afternoon rush was no longer a rush.

Only few people came in. El wondered, was there something wrong with the food? She knows Dustin wouldn't screw anything up, he's been making it the same way since he first started helping her. She had no idea what it could possibly be.

As far as she knew, there was nothing that would risk the diner. There was nothing that would cause people to stop coming in. To be honest, it makes El a little sad. She can't help but blame it on herself, she thought it was something she did. But what?

She kept the diner in shape, cleaning it every morning, throughout the day, and before she left. She always made sure the food was still in good condition, ordering more if she needed to and throwing out the food that has gone bad.

She couldn't possibly think of why the diner was becoming less and less popular.

El got to the diner early that morning as she always did, making herself some coffee and toast. After she ate, she began cleaning. The tables, chairs, counters, coffee machines, everything. She was stress cleaning. Again.

She didn't even notice Mike come in.

Mike noticed her obsessive cleaning, especially from the smell when he entered the diner. It smelled like fresh cleaner and bleach. He walked around, finding her in the back cleaning the grill, which why would she even want to touch that thing? It was nasty.

Well maybe that's why she's cleaning it, dipshit.

"Hey," Mike greeted, making El jump. "Mike! Sorry, I didn't hear you come in." She said, wiping her face on her arm. Mike looked at the stove and back at her, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just uh cleaning since there is nobody here." She said, sporting a tired smile. "The whole place smells like bleach. Come on, tell me what's going on." Mike pushed, taking her hands in his and rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. El sighed and looked down, she seriously could not lie if her life depended on it. Especially to Mike.

"Have you noticed how nobody ever comes here anymore? I mean, besides the regulars, no one is ever here. The afternoon rush, isn't even a rush. I don't really know what's going on, my boss hasn't contacted me at all, I don't know if it's the food, but it can't be because Dustin makes it the same way every single time. I know he does. Maybe it's me, or-"

"El," Mike says, which makes her stop talking. "Mike. Have you not noticed it? Or am I just going crazy?"

Mike nodded his head slowly. "Yeah. I have."

"What do you think it is?" She asked, she needed answers. It was eating her up.

"I really don't know.. I seriously don't." He sighed, making El frown. "I don't like it. It makes me nervous."

"Me too... but let's try and look on the bright side, yeah?" El shook her head. How could you possibly think of anything good?

"As stupid as it is, this diner is like my second home. I've worked here for so long, I can't imagine losing it."

"You won't lose it."

"Do you promise?"

"I promise."

Little did they know that promise was going to be broken very soon.


The day was dragging on slowly since almost nobody was coming in. The three teens were bored out of their minds, all standing behind the counter talking about whatever came to mind. Mike had his arm around El as she was pressed up against his side, not even focusing on what Dustin was saying. She was too stressed.

𝐏𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now