coming to a realization

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idek abt the title okie?

Song: Put Your Head on My Shoulder by Paul Anka 


Liking someone and admitting it to yourself is a whole lot different than liking someone but ignoring those feelings until they go away. Now that Mike finally has realized that he likes El, he sees her differently than when they were just friends. Were they ever just friends?

Mike has been thinking about it nonstop since the other night. He didn't need to worry about Chloe anymore, she wasn't making any attempts to reach him and if she loved him she wouldn't be treating him like that. Maybe it was never love in the first place. It was their first serious relationship and who doesn't want to just jump to the good stuff in that situation?

Feelings might seem real until you meet someone else.

For Mike, that someone was El. The girl that gave him relationship advice, the one who made him keep his head up during rough times, the girl that made him feel differently than anyone else had before.

Maybe he was just imagining things, but El seemed to be pretty damn friendly towards him. Ever since the first day that they met up until now. The little things she did he always noticed, when they walked side by side and her hand "accidentally" bumped against his, or how she would explain things more in detail just so she was talking to him longer.

Of course, Mike was always too oblivious to notice all of this before and now he couldn't help but wonder what all of it meant to her. What he means to her.

Was he just a good friend of hers? Was he just another Dustin to her?

No, no, that couldn't be right. Not at all.


Mike knew he had to talk to Dustin about it as soon as possible. He was the only one who might know the right answer besides El herself.


Mike got to the diner later than he usually would, if he was going to talk to Dustin, he needed to do it while El was busy.

Mike pulled into the parking lot and spotted El's car among the other dozen cars that were parked there. Mike pulled into a space and then got out and walked into the diner. Inside was buzzing with energy, the sound of forks hitting plates and people chattering happily. Mike glanced around and saw El taking orders at the front so Mike headed over towards the kitchen to find Dustin.

Before he could get into the kitchen El stopped him, "You just going to walk past me like I'm not here?" She asked with a playful smile. Mike smiles nervously at her, "N-No! I wasn't ignoring you, I just need to talk to Dustin."

"About what?" She asked, "Wouldn't you like to know?" He said with a smirk before walking into the kitchen. Dustin was putting a fresh batch of french fries into the boiling hot oil and burgers were cooking on the stove.

"Hey Dustin," Mike greeted, "Oh thank God you're here. I've been dying to talk to someone other than myself the whole day! Where've you been?" The curly-headed boy said happily. He'd needed human companionship since the moment he got there, El was always too busy to talk to him while she was working. 

"I've just been thinking and uh... can I talk to you about something?" Mike asked hesitantly, Dustin looked at him curiously. "Sure, what's up?"

Mike took a breath, "Okay, you can't speak a word of this to anyone. Understand?" Dustin nodded and Mike continued. "I like El," Mike said quickly, but not quick enough to where Dustin couldn't hear him. Dustin's eyes widened, he was trying to hold in his excitement but he couldn't help but fangirl just a little bit.

𝐏𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now