what happens now?

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More than I can say by Leo Sayer


A day passed since Mike received El's drunk phone call, and he hasn't thought about anything since. This was insane, she just opened up to him, just like that. Things couldn't have gotten easier for him, but now everything was even more complicated.

The real question now was, what next? Mike knew what he wanted to do, but he wasn't sure if that is the right thing to do. He knew whatever he did, it would work out, right?

Nothing bad could happen now. There was no chance of her not feeling the same now, he knew she liked him too. But shit, what the hell happened now?

What was supposed to happen? Questions, questions, all these questions but no answers. His mind gave him so solutions. You might think this is all simple, just go up there and get the girl, right? Well, not really.

First, Mike had to make up his mind on what he wanted to do. Then he had to find the courage to go up to the diner and finally do something. From there, they would decide what happened next but for now, Mike didn't know what the hell he was going to do.

What he wanted to do was go up there and talk to her. Talking is good. Yeah, that's what he'll do. Talk. About what? The phone call? How he feels about her? Maybe he would know if he went up there and said something.

But he still has to figure that out.


A day later and El woke up with the worst headache of her life. She was sprawled out on the couch, Dustin on the floor along with 2 empty glass bottles. She put her hands up to her face and rubbed in between her eyebrows, though that only made it worse.

El groaned as she sat up, feeling the dizziness come into effect now. What even happened? All she could remember was Dustin suggesting the whole idea of them drinking, they were playing truth or dare and that's all she could remember. It felt like something else happened- something big.

What could it be?

El got up off the couch, rubbing her head as she did so, and walked to the kitchen to find some Tylenol for this god awful headache. When she found some she filled up a glass with water and took two of the small pills. El glanced at the stove to see the time was 10:46. She had work!

Shit, she was late! El quickly walked over to where Dustin was snoring on the floor and shook him awake. He groaned and flipped over, rubbing his hand to his eyes. "What happens-"

"I'm late for work! It's almost 11 and most customers come in around noon! We have to go!" El said quickly. "I feel like shit. I'm not coming." He mumbled. "You're coming with me, there's no way I'm making food and taking orders. It's too much."

"Call Mike then." He mumbled. That's what it was! That's what she remembered.

El called Mike and... oh, that's right. She told him how she felt. Now she remembered after telling him all of those words she immediately hung up the phone and started bawling her eyes out. Why? El didn't know herself, maybe it was the alcohol mixing in with the thought that she ruined everything. What if he didn't feel the same and was just being friendly with her? Maybe he just saw her as a friend.

El shook her head, she needed to stop thinking about that. If Mike showed up at the diner today, she would apologize. What she did was uncalled for and he would freak out. Well, now she's curious. What happens now?

Well, she knew what was happening in her stomach and she felt as if she was going to vomit. She ran to the bathroom and just in time she threw up all the remains from last night. She kneeled by the toilet and waited to see if anything else would come up, and she was right, another batch coming right up her throat.

El looked in the toilet miserably before flushing the toilet and waiting a little longer before quickly fixing her hair into a ponytail and finding a spare toothbrush to brush her teeth with. There was no point in going back to her house for her uniform so she went into Dustin's room and picked out a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. It's the middle of summer but El isn't going to show up in some shorts that are 2 times her size.

El grabbed her keys and ran out to her car, she quickly started the engine and drove down the street, past Mike's house and straight downtown. The town square was crowded with cars, businessmen walking from building to building and teenagers running and laughing down the sidewalks. El sped past them all quickly and pulled into the diner.

There were no cars in the driveway, luckily. El parked the car and ran inside, unlocking the front door and turning on all the lights. She started brewing a pot of coffee for herself and started cooking something for her to eat. She poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down on a stool. Before customers came in she could at least try and get rid of this throbbing headache.

She drank a few cups of coffee before she felt a little better along with eating a slice of toast. Good enough to start her day off. Customers slowly began coming into the diner and it was time to begin work.


Mike had been pacing his room for a solid 15 minutes. He has no idea what is going to happen when he gets to the diner. He was hoping it would just come to him when he got there, but that was doubtful.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. Mike needed to see her before his head exploded. He quickly ran upstairs and grabbed his keys and hopped into his car, turning it on as quickly as possible.

Without going over the speed limit too much, he drove to the diner fairly quickly. Though stop signs and red lights were getting him at almost everyone single one he arrived at. Did the world seriously have to bet against him right now?

By the time he arrived at the diner, there were only a few cars there, including El's. He felt his heart racing in his chest, his hands shaking. He still didn't know what to do. Mike got out of his car slowly and walked to the front door. He reached forward and opened it and as soon as he was in he couldn't move. All he could do was look at her.

She was sitting behind the counter, drinking a cup of coffee before she looked up and locked eyes with him, flashing one of her dazzling smiles at him. She looked so beautiful, even though her hair was all over the place and her shirt was a few sizes larger than what she would normally wear, she still looked beautiful. The only thing Mike wanted to do right now went right up to her and kiss her.

And that's what he was going to do.

His feet worked before his brain and he found himself walking towards her, El looked confused, she walked out from behind the counter and looked at him with an eyebrow raised. When he was in front of her he stopped and put his hand on her cheek before leaning down and connecting their lips.

Truly surprised by this action El was frozen. This was not happening right now. She was imagining the whole thing, for all she knows, she's still asleep. She's dreaming, she's dreaming.

El pulled away first to make sure this was happening. She looked into his eyes, looking for something but all she could see was the truth, this was really happening.

El put her hand behind his neck before stepping closer to him and placing her lips on his once again, finding her other hand resting on his chest. Everything finally lead up to this, this was all El ever dreamed of since realizing her feelings. Never in her life did she think it would actually happen. His lips were soft, softer than she would've thought. The kiss was slow yet passionate and neither of them would have expected it to be anything but that.

They finally pulled apart when the sound of the diner bell rang. Their heads turned at the sound to see someone they would have never expected to be standing right there.


Author's Note:

ha didn't think she was gone forever did ya? besides, THEY KISSED AH i was shaking and my heart was beating so fast when i was writing it i was so excited. but like shit what happens now? Tell me your guesses and what you thought of this chapter!

thanks for 9k btw.

𝐏𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now