♤ 5 - Student Government ♤

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Writer's POV :

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Writer's POV :

When Sharik had reached his dorm, he was surprised at how modern the dorm buildings had turned out to be. There were four of them.

He too had difficulty finding his exact dormitory but when he did, he wasted no time in rushing up to his room

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He too had difficulty finding his exact dormitory but when he did, he wasted no time in rushing up to his room.

He got to his door and put his bags down to search the key he'd been given.

'I hope my roommate's cool. I really hope.'

He sighed and unlocked the door. When he walked in, he was once again surprised with the dorm. The rooms were beautiful and there was a mixture of blue and white here and there. The first room he'd walked into was a little room with two reading desks and two chairs, as well as lamps on these desks. It was clearly a reading room.

He entered and saw that there were three doors and he decided to explore, dropping his bags. He checked what was behind the first door and it turned out to be a little kitchen, leading to a little balcony.
The next room was a spacious bathroom and finally, the last door was the bedroom. Sharik admired how neat and fancy the bedroom was.

There were two closets and he discovered that one of them was already full, confirming the presence of his roommate

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There were two closets and he discovered that one of them was already full, confirming the presence of his roommate. There was also a television that surely belonged to his roommate.

Sharik settled and began to pack his things. Shortly after, he heard someone enter and soon a guy appeared. This guy halted and seemed shocked to see someone in his room.

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