♤ 13- White Flag ♤

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Marjani's POV:

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Marjani's POV:

Yeah, slapping the school's elites had been a horrible idea.

The next week that had followed had turned out to be hell for me. Both Roman and Kylo gave me the toughest time. I was their target every single time they happened to be in the same room with me. They were on the lookout for every little mistake I made, and when I did do something, they would punish me severely. Yes, that was just how powerful they were. They could punish me for anything and everything.

"Nthanda! I said no talking, didn't I?? Meet me for punishment after this."

"Nthanda! Why are you late this time? You know what? Save it cuz I don't wanna hear it. Two hours of work for you."

"Nthanda! You aren't doing it right! This isn't a game, you know. Go fetch some water for the sports staff!"

"Nthanda! Why are you roaming about the campus at this time? It's lights out, isn't it? One more school rule broken. You'll help in the kitchen tomorrow."

"Nthanda, stay back and wipe all the tables in this cafeteria."

"Why?! I didn't do anything this time!"

"You spilled your juice on your table. I was watching you. Do not dirty school property. Now clean up every single table."

"But, but, but–"

"No buts. Get a sponge and a bucket of water. Now."

Nthanda this, Nthanda that. Nthanda, Nthanda, Nthanda. It was Nthanda everywhere. And that Nthanda, was never Sharik. I was paying for my actions.

Kylo and Roman made me go through hell! And there was nothing I could do about it. I was very unlucky that hierarchy was something taken very seriously in TUPA. It really was like a boarding school. And worse of all was that I had no right to ever go against the student presidents.

If I dared disrespect a single order from them, it could lead to greater punishment from the administration and might even get me suspended, if my decision not to comply to their orders wasn't rightfully backed up.

Roman and Kylo made sure to catch me red handed in every mistake or wrong move, even the smallest and most inoffensive mistakes like spilling juice on a fucking table. These were things that they turned a blind eye to with every other student, every single time. But when it came to me, it was hell setting lose. It was like breaking the greatest law.

That week was my worst week in TUPA. I was literally turned into a slave that week. And to make things worse, whoever gave me the punishment between the two, would supervise me and show no mercy while doing so. I couldn't even cuss them, even though I wanted to. I was finished.


There I was after class, Friday evening, on my knees and scrubbing the hell out of the TUPA's kitchen floor.

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