Waking Up In Minecraft!?

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Prim's P.O.V...

I was logging into Minecraft, when my computer started freezing up. So I tried tapping the side of it a little and it seemed that I had made it worse since it started glitching up.

" The hell? I just bought this new computer a few weeks back? Come on, please work." I beg it as I tried clicking my mouse around, but it still wouldn't fix itself. " I guess I have to unplug the cord then start it up again." I say letting out a groan as I reached for the cord, but before I could grab it. A lightening bolt shot out and it made me jump back in shock. It only started to have even more bolts zap out of it and as I was about to reach for my phone. I saw one zap out again and wrap itself around my waist and yanked me forward, all I saw before my world went dark, was my head falling onto my bedpost.


" Ugh, my head." I groan as I started coming out of unconsciousness. My head was throbbing and my vision was blurry. I pushed myself to my feet, but because my vision was blurry. I was wobbling around and had tripped over something. Which made me fall into my stomach and let out a huff. So, I decided to wait till the blurriness went away and soon, it did. Once I could see, I found myself in lush soft grass with a few flowers around me growing. So I pushed myself up onto my knees and looked around me. " Where am I?" I asked myself as I saw that I was in some sort of grassy plains area. I try to stand up, but I step on something which keeps me from moving more. So I quickly look down to find that I stepped on the bottom of a wedding dress, that I happened to be changed into. Which immediately confused me since I wasn't wearing a wedding dress before. Since I was definitely wearing sweats and and tank top earlier. " The hell?" I ask aloud as I picked up my dress and stood up right. When the wind blew, I saw that my hair was curled and a veil was also on my head. Which I immediately took off and looked at it, to find a red and white gem on it. I just threw it down to the ground as I picked up my dress and began walking around.


I then immediately began to notice that I wasn't in my world anymore since I saw cows, pigs, sheep and chickens start to spawn around me. This immediately freaked me out since there was only one game I knew that had spawning like this, Minecraft. " But why did everything look like my normal world? And how did I get here?" I thought to myself as I smiled in excitement. " Ah! I can't believe I am in my favorite game!" I thought to myself as I jumped around and twirled happily in my dress. But that was until it dawned on me that it all could be a dream. So I stopped celebrating and pinched myself really hard. " Shit! Ow, yep it's real." I said aloud as I looked around to see if I could find a village near, but there's nothing around for miles. " Okay Prim, if this is Minecraft then what would I do first?" I asked myself as I thought about it. After a few seconds it came to me. " That's right! Mobs come out at night and will try to kill me. So, I have to get shelter and a weapon." I say aloud until I realize that I didn't know how to even play without a controller. " Shit! I guess it's not as easy as it is on the controller, maybe I actually have to work for it." I groaned as I walked over to a tree. I then raised my fist and punched the tree, and I immediately felt pain. " Holy cheese!" I yelled out in pain as I held my hand tenderly. " Not such a great idea Prim." I scold myself as I sighed and slid down into a sitting position against the tree. " Now, what am I gonna do?" I asked myself as I started to feel useless. But after awhile of moping, I shook it off and stood up. " I can't just give up, I am bound to find a village close by." I told myself as I got up and began walking for hours.

???'s P.O.V...

" Hah! Y'all suck at shooting!" I tell back to the two archers who were chasing after me.

" Stop moving and we'll prove otherwise!" One of the men say as they continue to shoot their arrows. But they continue to miss nonetheless. I just continued to ride away as I took sharp turns and went in circles; until I finally had lost them. But as I was riding through the forest, something runs out in front of my horse and I try to make him stop, but he rams right into the thing that jumped out. I then hear the poor thing yelp and get thrown back into the grass.

" Shit, what the hell was that?" I asked myself as I had my horse completly stop. I then get off of him and go over to what I had practically ramed. It looked white, but when I walked closer to it, I immediately cursed again. Once seeing that it was a woman and she seemed to be knocked out cold. At first I thought I had killed her, but she still had a pulse surprisingly. So, being the gentleman I am, I placed her on my horse with me and took off back to base. The whole way there I felt bad about what had happen to her because of me.

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