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Herobrine's P.O.V...

The next morning I woke up and found myself wrapped up with Prim. Our legs were tangled together and she was laying on my chest giving a light snore. I just looked around in confusion since I went to bed on the grass alone. But it all hit me like a train as I remembered everything from last night. " Oh shit, I didn't mean to call her that." I groaned as I felt her begin to move. She then yawned and looked up at me smiling.

" Good morning, love." She said teasingly and I just roll my eyes.

" Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm sorry." I tell her and her smile leaves.

" You don't have to lie, you know? It was freezing last night and I saw you shivering in your sleep. If you got sick, I wouldn't know what do since your not a human." She says concerned.

" I know, I'm sorry. I just thought you didn't want to feel uncomfortable sleeping with a stranger like me." I admit and she just sighs.

" Hero, I don't see you as a stranger now. Your more like a friend now." She tells me and I immediately feel that pain in my heart.

" Oh, uh...cool." I tell her, but I can tell she seems a bit suspicious of me.

" Do...you not want to..be friends?" She asks and I instinctively shake my head no. " T... Then what do you want?" She asks.

" To be home....with nothing to do...and alone with...you." I tell her and she just blushes.

" W...why? Is it because I look-" She begins, but I shake my head no.

" No, it's not because of that. I know how you feel about me, I had dreams about you. I just didn't realize till I had another dream last night." I tell her.

" I..I don't know Hero...I...I kind of like you, but I don't if it would be best. Especially since I still have to go home." She says a bit sad. I immediately facepalm remembering that she wasn't from here. She was a human from the human realm, like me before I was this. " I... I'll tell you what Hero, If you save this world and I feel more deeply for you later. I... I'll think about staying and being with you." She says surprising me.

" Wait, I am not going to make you do anything. I...I might just be confused or something." I tell her and she just chuckles.

( Mature Content...)

" Then let's understand." She says reaching up and placing her lips on mine. I immediately feel a zap and kiss her back instantly. I then turn us over, with her laying under me. I immediately began to kiss her neck and suck where I felt pleased. I then pulled away quickly, to stop myself as I looked into her eyes. " Why did you stop?" She asks and I just growl to myself.

" Are you sure?" I ask and she nods.

" I don't mind, plus I think you've been missing out for a long time. Better get it out now, then never." She flirts and I just growl again as yank her shirt off and get started with her breasts. She was a moaning mess as I sucked and bit her breasts and it was turning me on. I hadn't had a woman's touch for such a long time, that it felt like I was dying if I didn't do her now. Once I was done with my work on her breasts, I pulled off the rest of her clothes along with mine. I then went back to kissing her lustfully as my member throbbed for attention.

His Wife.( Herobrine X Reader{Oc})Where stories live. Discover now