I Will Not Be Locked Away! Pt.2

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Prim's P.O.V...

I knew where I could get a sword, but it was going to be very risky because it belong to the guard, guarding my door, in the hallway. All I had to do is wait until the middle of the night and take him out. " I guess I better get as much sleep as I can until Steve brings dinner." I tell myself as I lay down after hiding my bag. I then fall asleep and tried to dream up a plan.


Just had I expected. Steve had woken me up for dinner and I felt a bit better. So after talking with him for awhile, he left and I ate the rest of my dinner. Now, I was going to have to wait a few more hours until I could escape.


I had waited for four hours until I decided that it was the right time. So, I quickly got dressed into the clothes; I picked out earlier and threw my bag over my shoulder.

" Okay Prim,you can do this." I tell myself trying to encourage myself to get ready for a fight against the guard. After a few minutes, I bit my lip and silently opened my door with bedsheet in hand. The guard happens to have his back towards me, so I wrapped up the sheet and quickly wrapped it tightly around his neck. I then began to squeeze it as hard as I could; as the guard tried to fight back, but soon he fell unconscious and I dragged him into my room. I then took his sword and took anything else I thought I would need. Which wasn't much, just only a compass and bag with three diamonds in it. After placing it all in my bag, I took off down the hall and made it to the library. Once I was inside, I closed the door quietly behind me and ran over to the window I saw earlier. " This is it!" I thought as I opened it up and crouched on the window sill and looked down. It was only a five feet drop and it was facing out into the world. If I jumped, I would be out of here scot free and no one would know until the guard either woke up or was found. With one last word of encouragement, I jumped out the window and landed safely. I then hopped to my feet and booked it on foot.


Notch's P.O.V...

I was sitting in my office the next morning, when Steve ran in panicked.

" Sir! Prim is gone!" He yells to me and I just nod. " I had a feeling she was listening to us yesterday...." I thought as I placed down my pen and looked at him.

" I had figured something would happen. She listened to us yesterday when we talked about Herobrine." I tell Steve and his eyes widen.

" You don't think she's going to awake Herobrine do you?" He asks still a bit shocked.

" More likely." I tell him and he just glares at me.

" Why do you seem so calm!? Entity could find her and do whatever he intended for her. She's not safe!" He yells and I couldn't help, but gasp when I saw a spark come from his heart. " What the hell!? How does Steve have feelings for her? He's an AI, I made him with no free will." I thought in confusion. I then look over at Steve and walk over to him.

" Steve, I want you to be honest with me....when did you have feelings for Prim?" I ask and he blushes.

" Uh...uh....The first time we talked..." He admits and I curse to myself.

" Shit... she's stronger than I thought." I whisper to myself. " Steve is half of Herobrine's coding...so it shouldn't have been too surprising...that he felt things for her." I thought as I looked at Steve closely.

" Okay, but are we going to go after her?" He asks and I shake my head no. " What! Why!?" He asks confused.

" There are some things that are too hard to explain Steve, but...I will try. Prim was sent her for a reason and I think she was sent here to bring him back." I admit and he just stood there with his mouth open. " I cannot defeat Entity by myself Steve, I will need my brothers help." I continued.

" Then why didn't you bring him back earlier then?" He asks.

" If I had, he wouldn't have helped us. He blames me for his wife's death." I explain, answering his question. " And even if I tried to, I couldn't; because he didn't want to be free, he wished to be dead." I finish explaining.

" Then why couldn't you have killed him?" Steve asks with sadness.

" I can't. He used to be a human...my human brother, but when he was dying...he asked of me to make him a part of the game. I didn't know what he meant and since I couldn't do much, I decided to do...an experiment. I...I... killed his human body and put his subconscious into the game. He had a brand new life, except there were a few malfunctions since I tried to make him like me. He...was look down upon and was hurt at the beginning. He was eveb bullied in school, since he was just a little boy after all. I tried everything in my power, but players hated him and soon he hid away in the Nether. I don't know much after that though, until a player had dared to go inside the Nether. No player has ever went to the Nether and came back, they usually died from the lava or mobs. But she...was different...she was strong, intelligent, fast, and even beautiful. When Herobrine saw her, he watched her for hours until she found out about his presence. From there? I also do not know much after that, but them becoming friends that is. But after her death, Entity hid away and Herobrine came after me. I had accidentally let it slip that I knew what was to come, but at the same time that I didn't know she would be there. I was hoping that Herobrine could defeat Entity without me, he did. But it was all out of pure evil, sadness, and anger. Ever since then, he's hated me and grieved everyone in Minecraft. That is, until I got tired of it and banished him." I finish telling him and he was just quiet the whole time. " I'm sorry, but can I be alone?" I ask and he just nods and leaves. I just let out a deep breath of relief as I looked out the window. " Could she really free Herobrine and save us all?" I thought as I looked out at the sunrise.

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