The Voice In My Head.

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Prim's P.O.V...

That night I had escaped, I had found a nearby village and stayed the night at a local in. The owner had let me stay for free since I had helped her on my way into town. I didn't even know she was the Innkeeper either, I just helped her because I am just a nice person like that. In return, she had let me stay a night and now it was morning. I was already awake and ready to leave, when I heard a knock on my door. ( Knock, knock.)

" Come in!" I say and I see that it was the Innkeeper. " Oh, good morning Mrs. Applegate." I tell her and she just smiles sweetly as she carried the tray in.

" Good morning sweetie." She says back as she places it close by. " I came by to give you a surprise breakfast in bed, but it seems you have beaten me to the punch since you're up already." She chuckles, making her curly white hair bobble around a little.

" Aw, I'm sorry to ruin the surprise then. I just, am busy. I have to go a long ways to..." I was about to say Herobrine, but I quickly covered it up. " ...get home and see my, husband." I tell her and she just giggles.

" Aw, young love!" She chuckles. " I understand completely! Me and my husband were like that once." She sighs then looks at me. " He must be very lucky then." She tells me and I just blush. " Okay, I'll let you eat. Before you leave, come say bye to me and I'll give you something." She tells me as she leaves my room. I just sigh as I sit down and began eating. " He's waiting... he's hurting." I hear someone say and I immediately jump up and look around my room, but no one was around. " The hell!? Who's waiting? Who's hurting?" I asked myself until the voice spoke again. " Our husband." I hear the voice answer me. " I...I don't understand...who is talking to me?" I ask it and they answer. " I'm you, you are me. You have to awake him and save this world." They answer me again. " Why me?" I ask another question, but I hear nothing.

" Ugh, I can't believe I'm talking to myself." I groan as I finished eating. Once I am done, I grab my bag and leave the room. Going back down to the lobby, I see her sitting and reading a book. " Hey, I got to get going now and breakfast was amazing, I really appreciated it." I tell her and she immediately puts her book down and stands up.

" Good, here I want you to have this." She tells me as she goes to her back room. After awhile, she comes back out with something and lays it onto the counter in front of me. " I have been waiting so long to see you again." She chuckles and I look at her confused.

" Again?" I ask and she nods.

" Yes, again. You look a little different, but I would know you from anyone. You left these behind and told me when the time was right, that I was to give these to you." She tells me.

" Wait, your saying I was here before?" I ask and she chuckles.

" Yes! Do you not remember? Prim Loverbird was your name. I know you are not exactly her, but you are her reincarnation. I believe the Prim before you, knew you would come. So, she wanted me to give you this." She answers me and I just nod as she opens the box. She then takes out a necklace. ( Pic of Necklace Above!) I couldn't help but let out a breath of how pretty it looked and a part of me felt as if it were important for some reason.

" W...what is it?" I ask and she smiles.

" It is your necklace of course, Loverbird said it would help you on your journey. But I don't know any more than that. Please, take it." She tells me and I nod as I took it and clamped it around my neck. " It suits you." She chuckles.

" Thanks, for everything. But may I ask where I can get a horse and saddle?" I ask and she nods.

" There is a place across town they sale horses for two diamonds and saddles for three diamonds." She tells me and I bite my lip.

" Okay, thanks." I tell her and as I was about to leave, she stopped me.

" Woah, wait!" She tells me and I look back smiling.

" Yeah?" I ask and she just sighs.

" H-How much diamonds do you have?" She asks and I swallow hard.

" Three, but I'll be fine." I tell her about to leave again, but she tells me to wait again. So, I do and as I am about to tell her I was alright. She was already standing behind me with a huge smile.

" You know, you're in luck today Prim. I was going to sell him, but..I think you'll be a better rider for him." She chuckles as she takes my hand and takes me outside. She then takes me into the stables into the back and I stared in awe at all of the horses she had. " Wait over there at the gate outside. I'll bring him into the ring for you." She tells me and I do so. As I am waiting, she opens a gate and a beautiful black silk looking mare comes out wildly. After she closes the gate, she walks over to me smirking.

" Is that him?" I ask in awe.

" Yep, he doesn't have a name yet since he doesn't come to anything, I could think of. There is a price to keep him though." She tells me still smirking.

" Uh, I don't know-" I began, but she interrupts me.

" No money, you just have to break him." She tells me and I let out a deep breath of relief.

" Oh, okay...maybe it won't be too hard." I chuckle.

" You do know how to break horses don't yah? I am too old to break him, or I'd already would have." She admits.

" Yes, I haven't done it in awhile, but I do know how." I tell her as I remembered the first time my grandpa taught me my first time.

" Great! Now get in there." She says to me and after I give her my things, she spanked my butt as I climbed over. Once I am in the ring, I slowly walk over to the horse and he seems hesitant to trust me, but he soon begins to eat the grass again. Once I am close enough, I jump onto him and grab the horses mane. The horse immediately begins to buck and after a long while of falling off, riding a little, catching him, and repeat. The horse finally was way to tired and now broken. Mrs. Applegate clapped for my victory as I rode him over to her. " Amazing work my dear, now you are bonded with him. I'll get him feed and hydrated, while you go buy your saddle dear. See you in an hour." She tells me as I got off and she leads him away. I just stood there as I rubbed my thighs since they hurt a little. But after awhile, I walked off to that place she told me about.


After getting my saddle, I still had a diamond left so I used it to by a lead and an accessory for him, which was a bandana that looked like the inside of an end portal. It was like a Minecraft Galaxy in my opinion. Once I was back at the Inn, Mrs. Applegate was waiting there and took me over to him.

" So, have you thought of a name he might like?" She asks and I just smile.

" Yeah, I think I did." I tell her as we go over to him.

" Well, let's see if he likes it." She chuckles as she lets him go and steps back. Me and the horse were now facing each other, with only ten steps between us. " Okay, call him by that name." She tells me and I feel embarrassed now. " Come on don't be shy." She cheers to me and I nod as I looked at him and made a clicking noise with my tongue.

" Come here Ender." I tell him and his ears perk up so I try again. " Come here Ender." I tell him in a softer voice and he kicks his foot down and walks over. I then pet him on his head. " Good boy Ender." I whisper to him as Mrs. Applegate gives me a carrot. I then gave it to him and he enjoyed it happily.

" Great, that's such a mysterious name! I love it. Now, let's get that saddle onto him." She chuckles as we began to work with him.

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