He Knows Everything I know Now.

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Prim's P.O.V...

After a few minutes, he gasped and pulled himself away from me. He was literally crying as he looked at me with betrayal.

" Y...you are her, just her reincarnation! S...she...never loved me!" He yelled angrily.

" I know, I'm sorry you had to find out that way. I really am." I tell him and he just whips his tears away.

" I know how you felt during your memories, I was replaying as you. I know a lot and I am so sorry if I had invaded too much." He tells me.

" N..no. it's alright. To be honest with you, I thought you deserved the truth. I just didn't know how to explain any of it to you since I could not prove it." I admit shyly as I stood up on to my feet. " I guess, I'll be going now." I tell him, leaving. Once I am out of the temple, I untie Ender and get on him. As I am about to take off, I hear Herobrine call out.

" Please wait!" He yells out and I turn Ender around to face him.

" Yes?" I ask back.

"  Why did you try to give me a such meaningful kiss? Even though you were practically forced?" He asks and I just blush.

" Because... Herobrine, you are the first person I had ever truly kissed in my whole life." I answer him and he just blushes. " If I am going to give that away, it might as well have been meaningful, you know? It was kind of something I wanted to share with my future husband, not a half stranger." I tell him as I make him chuckle.

" I guess, that's true. But don't you think you should be kind enough to give me a ride to the closest village? My powers won't return for a few days since I've been banished for so long." He admits and I trot over to him.

" Yeah, maybe. Depends on how you answer this question." I tell him smiling.

" And that question is?" He asks annoyed.

" Do you hate me?" I ask and he just looks at me weird. " You know, because I look like her?" I ask and he sighs.

" No, all because you look like her. Doesn't mean you are her." He tells me and I can tell he's being honest.

" Oh, alright then." I tell him as I got off and waved him over. " You can ride can't yah?" I ask him and he nods as he walks over. He then pets Ender.

" He's handsome. What's his name?" He asks as he gets on him.

" It's Ender." I answer him as I get on behind him. I then put my hand on his side as we take off. As we are traveling, he decided to bring up conversation.

" So, how do you know Entity?" He asks and I just sigh.

" I don't and I am definitely not married to him. The only person everyone keeps telling me that I am married to; is you and that's more likely because of my looks." I answer him.

" Well, I could understand that. You practically are, except you are her but reborn with a little bit of a different personality." He tells me. " Like how you are honest." He growls lowly and I just gently grab his hand, that he ain't using and squeeze it.

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