I Will Not Be Locked Away! Pt.1

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Prim's P.O.V...

It had been only a few days since I got here. Steven hasn't told me anything and I am starting to worry. Everyone gives me strange looks and even avoids me as if they all are afraid of me. So, I decided to easdrop on Notch's and Steve's conversation.

" So you're just going to lock her away?" I hear Steve ask.

" Yes! I cannot have her leaving and awaking him!" I hear Notch yell out.

" Awaking him!? He's the only one who can defeat Entity here, since you are obviously to weak." Steve tells him.

" He will not help us, he's no longer a friend or any brother of mine!" Notch yells back. " I don't think he would even help us. Entity brought her here and if he sees her running around, we'll have nothing. When I am done fixing her code, we won't need Herobrine." Notch explains.

" No, you know that could hurt her!" Steve rejects.

" Why should you care, she's not from here! She's human." Notch tells him.

" Yeah, but you were human once too! Don't try and act as if you're above her on that. Human or not, there could be negative effects. If he found out we had done that to her, we'll get destroyed. She's too valuable to take chances on and you know this as much as I do." Steve tells him and I hear Notch sigh.

" You're right. We can use her to get him to obey us, then when the times right, I can banish him back." Notch sighs. " But for right now, lock her in her room and make sure she doesn't hear of this." Notch tells him and I immediately throw my hand over my mouth and run back to my room. Once I close the door I run my hands through my hair and take deep breaths. " I thought Notch was a good guy.... He would use me as bait, and he would change me for his own personal use. I can't stay here, I have to find Herobrine. This is so confusing, where would he even be? Maybe I can escape and ask for his help." I thought in a panic. " And who is this Entity guy? He's the reason I'm here, maybe he could help? No, I have a bad feeling from just hearing his name. Shut up Prim! You have no time to panic, you have to escape and find Herobrine. He'll more likely be of more help then these asswholes!" I thought as I began to look through my closet until I found the right outfit. I then had it put in the corner for me to change into it later. " Okay, now for supplies." I thought off as I looked around my room.

" Ah, hah! I am definitely going to need this." I say aloud as I gabbed a leather bag. I then hear a soft knock on my door and I immediately hide the bag. Once I know it is hidden well, I call out to whoever is behind my door. " Yes? Come in!" I yell out and I see Steve come in with a tray. " Oh, hey! What's up?" I ask trying to sound normal.

" Nothing much, I just came her to give you your food." He says casually as he places it down on my bed.

" Cool, I was actually wondering about something Steve." I admit and he quickly looks up seeming a little alarmed.

" About what?" He asks quickly.

" I get so bored here. Can I go to a library or something?" I ask and he seemed to be relieved about something, more likely me being here.

" Oh, yes! I kind of forgot that you stay in this room a lot. I don't know, if I am allowed to let you go." He says unsure so I decide that if I were to escape I would have to butter him up a little. So, I walked over and took his hand.

" Please Steve? I'll do anything for it." I tell him giving him my sweetest voice. He seemed to blush for a second until he sighed in defeat.

" Okay, fine. Just because you asked nicely. I'll go talk to Notch, I'll be back." He says squeezing my hand a little as he then let's it go and leaves, closing the door behind him.

" Yes." I cheer in a low voice and I immediately look over at the tray of food. " I might as well eat while he's busy." I say mostly to myself as I sat down and ate.


After I had finished eating, Steve came back five minutes later and told me I was allowed to go to the library. As long as I was accompanied by a guard, so I immediately agreed to the terms. Steve then sent up a guard and the guard escorted me to the library. I am a little bit of a book nerd, but I was only here for a few things. One, to find a book on how to do stuff in this new life. Two, to actually find a book about Herobrine. Thankfully the guard didn't have to check on what I was reading, so I spent a few hours reading for as much information as I needed. But I could only find one book about Herobrine, but from what it said, I already mostly knew. The one thing it had that I didn't know is that he had a beautiful wife and that she had died saving him. It made me really feel bad for him, to be honest. It wasn't a long book, so I finished it easily and had put it away. I was now reading a book that a man named Adam wrote and it was exactly the book I was looking for. It was practically his whole biography and it even had a few cool instructions on making tools and weapons. It was in great detail and thankfully, I completely understood it all. So I now knew how to get wood, kill and skin animals, farm, tame a horse, and even how to milk a cow right! I didn't think I would need anymore than that since I didn't plan on living here all my life. When I was leaving the library, I had found that there was a window that was low enough for me to jump out of. So, I kept that in mind as I made my way back to my room. It was going to be getting dark soon, so I began to look around my room for more things. As I was doing so, I noticed that a plank was loose. So I pulled it up and couldn't believe what I found. There was a small handwritten journal, a map, and a pen. I immediately took all of them and opened up the journal. I was so surprised to see that the journal was full of how to make potions and where to find ingredients. I was definitely going to keep it and the rest of it. So, I put all three of them into my bag along with some flint and steel. My bag was ready, now all I had to do was change, get a weapon, and escape.

( Continuing to Next Chapter...)

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