Preparations For War.

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Herobrine's P.O.V...

We had been staying there for two weeks now and me and Notch immediately began training everyone for battle. But every night I came back to the room, I would find Prim asleep, exhausted from all the training. She was definitely a hard worker and seemed to motivate and encourage everyone. We wouldn't have much of an Army if she didn't stand up and give a speech. She showed to be a true leader in that moment as she encouraged them all to fight for their land. She was something else, and I felt bad that she was going to be apart of this. Not only that, but I still wasn't sure if she even wanted to stay or not. I don't think I could live with her gone. So, every night I held her close and kissed her more often as the days of her leave were coming closer.

Prim's P.O.V...

I was now on break and waiting for Herobrine, in the gardens. That is until I saw him walk over quickly, so I jumped up to my feet.

" Hey." I tell him and he seemed shocked to see me. The same way when I first had awakened him. " What's wrong?" I ask walking up to him and he just caresses my face gently. I immediately knew something was off since, I didn't feel that spark Hero usually made me feel when he touched me. I immediately backed away from him and glared. " Who are you!? You're not Herobrine!" I yelled out as I pulled out my sword and got in stance.

" How could you tell? You are the first, my love. No, I am not HIM. I am Entity and I will take you back home with me." He tells me sternly. " Steve, knock her out." Entity says and I immediately hear someone swing at me from behind. But I dodge the punch and grab his arm as I throw him over my shoulder at Entity's feet.

" I am not going without a fight." I tell him as I see Steve lunge at me with red eyes. " What the! Steve, why!?" I asked shocked as pulled out his sword and swung it at me. I quickly blocked his attack with my own sword and there was a small spark from them clashing.

" He can't hear you! Just give this up." Entity tells me, but I quickly do a flip that Hero taught me and I knock Steve out. " Fine, we'll do this the hard way." He says as he does a quick movement with fingers as if he's typing. I then feel pain all over my body as if I am being sliced into pieces. I scream out in pain and before I know it, I fall unconscious.

Herobrine's P.O.V...

Notch was walking over to the gardens when, we heard a scream come from Prim. Which immediately made us take off into the garden. But only to see Entity vanishing with Prim over his shoulder unconscious.

" Good seeing you again Herobrine, but I can't talk now. See yah!" He says to me as he completely vanishes.

" We have to go after her." I tell Notch as I am about to run off, but Notch stops me.

" No Hero, if we go after her now. We won't stand a chance we will go save her tomorrow, when we storm his castle." Notch tells me and I just sigh as I nodded to him and left. " I promise Prim, I'll save you. Please, just hold out." I pray to myself as I began to train them harder.

Prim's P.O.V...

I soon began to wake up as I tried to move my head, but I immediately found a metal collar around it with a chain connected to it. I then gasped when I saw the the other end of the chain was being held by him.

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