Death Comes and Goes Pt.2 ( Ending.)

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Prim's P.O.V...

Once the doctor had left, it was just now me and Hero in the room alone. So I grabbed his hand and squeezed it happily.

" I'm....sorry." I tell him again and he just smiles softly at me.

" It's okay, love. I....I just, I thought I lost you." He admits and I immediately feel bad again.

" I thought I lost you to. I thought that was it, until Prim Loverbird and Entity encouraged me to fight it. It was hard, but when hurt most of all. Was seeing you down there heartbroken as that twat tried flirting with you." I admit back and just squeezes my hand reassuringly.

" I would have never allowed her to mother our children. That's only your job Prim and you are the only woman I will ever love." He tells me. " You are mine for eternity, after all." He says and I can't help, but smile and reach up and kiss him. After we share a deep, meaningful kiss, I see Notch and Mrs. Applegate come in with our children as Notch's eyebrows were gone.

" Oh, my gawd! What happened to your eye brows?" I ask and he just squints his eyes at me.

" Your daughter has the power of setting things on fire." He says annoyed and me and Herobrine can't help but laugh hysterically laugh at him. " Anyways, they need feeding and their names." He tells me as he hands my baby girl while Mrs. Applegate games out boy to Herobrine.

" Okay, thanks." I tell them and they quickly leave as I grab a feeding blanket as I began to breast feed our daughter. I felt too embarrassed to just let Hero see our daughter feed, so I covered us up pretty good. The good thing about it was that she didn't take that long to latch on either. I then looked up at Hero to find him smiling at our sleeping boy. " So, what are we going to name them?" I ask he just smirks.

" How about I name her and you can name him?" He asks and I just smile happily.

" Okay, I'm happy with that." I tell him and he just smiles.

" I think, our daughter's name...will be...Ambers." he says smiling.

" Ambers? Hmm, I love it! It matches her perfectly since she burned your brother's eyebrows off." I tell him and Hero just chuckles.

" So, what do you want to call this little man?" Hero asks me and I just smirk.

" His name...will be...Bryne, after his father." I say and Hero just smiles lovingly at me.

" Hey, Bryne. I can tell your going to be a momma's boy." Hero tells our son. And I just whisper the same to our daughter.

" And you're definitely going to be a daddy's girl." I whisper to her as me and Hero held hands and stared happily at our future.

{The End}

( So.....This is the End of the story...Or Is It? Comment if y'all would like for me to make a second book.... It would be very appreciated!)

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