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???'s P.O.V...

Once I had made it back to base, the guards had opened up the gates and I was let in. After the gates were closed behind me, I picked up the woman as the stable boy rushed over and took my horse to the stables. I then carried the woman through the small village base as everyone stared in confusion at me. I just tried to ignore the attention as I took her into our main security building. Where I knew Notch would be talking to our second in command. Once I come into the room, I laid her down onto a nearby couch as I caught everyone's attention.

" Steven! What is this? Where did this woman come from?" I hear Notch ask as he walked over to us.

" I practically rammed her with my horse earlier. She just ran out in front of me and I didn't know what else to do, but bring her back here." I admit and he just sighs as he waves his hand over her as green coding showed for a split second. When he stops, he gives a confused expression.

" How strange, she is known as...oh gawd, but how?" He says confused.

" How what?" I ask confused.

" I...I don't know....her coding is different then anything I've ever seen." Notch says still sounding confused himself. This is no player or AI... I have to look more into this, right now get her a room. I have already healed her injuries, so she should be waking up soon." Notch tells me and I just nod.

" Yeah, great idea. I'll get her some food and water as well." I tell him as pick her back up and take her to her new room. Usually we would only give a room to civilians, not strangers. But if Notch wants her to have one, there must be a good reason for her to have one.


After I had already got her settled in, I placed the bowl of soup and cup of water next to her bed as I waited for her to wake up. But luckily, it didn't take long and once she had opened her eyes she groaned.

" Ugh." She groans.

" Hey, how are you feeling?" I ask and when she hears me, she quickly gasps and jumps away from me as she grabbed a flower pot as to defend herself.

" Who are you!? Where am I!? Why did you kidnap me!?" She asks sounding a little scared. I immediately throw my hands up to show her I wasn't a threat.

" Wait, wait, wait! Hear me out before you do anything reckless." I tell her and she just sighs as she places the flower pot back down and seem to calm back down.

" Okay, fine. Speak." She tells me, still sounding a bit on edge.

" Okay, I had accidentally rammed you with my horse; when you ran out in front of me. I felt really bad, so I brought you here to my base in the far East. Notch healed you and had asked me to give you a room, so walla here we are." I explain and she seems to relax a lot more.

" Oh, I'm sorry. just a little jumpy." She admits. " I was being chased by a mad chicken and wasn't watching were I was going." She explained sighing.

" That, is understandable. So, what's your name?" I ask her and she smiles.

" I'm Prim Rosette." She answers quickly and as I am about to say who I am she interrupts.
" And yes, I know who you are. You're Steven, locally known as Steve." She says surprising me, but I don't question her.

" Oh, good. So you know I wouldn't hurt you right?" I ask and she nods.

" Thanks for helping me Steve, I appreciate it." She says and I feel my cheeks burn a little.

" Y...yeah, of course!" I tell her, stuttering a little. " Uh, I have to be going now. But I'll be back later, in the mean time enjoy your meal. Also, if you want to wash up there is a bathroom." I tell her as I quickly leave her room as my heart raced.

Prim's P.O.V...

After Steve had left, I felt alone again. Ever since I had woken up in this game; I have felt that there was something missing. I even started remembering all those old dreams I used to have. " They all have me in them and they all feel very familiar to me. It felt as if I had two life's." I thought as I looked over at the soup. I was definitely hungry, so I picked up the soup and ate it slowly, savoring everything. The water was also refreshing as well, but I still felt something missing. Once I was finished eating; I got up and walked over to the body mirror. The wedding dress I was wearing was filthy and my hair was definitely tangled. " Maybe, I should take a shower." I thought as I took off my dress and went into the bathroom. As I was taking a shower, I had another one of those memories.


I was taking a shower by myself when I heard the shower curtain move. I just smirked as I continued to let the warm water go down my chest. But I then felt two strong familiar hands slid from behind me and go around my waist. I let out a gasp of shock as I felt a pair of cool lips kiss my neck. I gasp again when I hear a man whisper in my ear. He was whispering sweet nothings at first until he said five short words. " You are Mine For Eternity."


I immediately snap back to reality and quickly turn around and there is no one there. I just let out a deep breath as I leaned against the wall with only two questions in mind. " Who was that man? And why do I feel so deeply for him, when I have never met him?" Those were the two questions I had and for some reason, a part of me longed for his touch again. " But who was he?

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