Sacrifices Pt.2

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Prim's P.O.V...

I soon found myself awake as I saw Herobrine facing off Entity. I gasp out when I see Steve being controlled again. I tried to tell Hero to watch out, but I couldn't. I was practically forced to watch as I saw Steve stab Herobrine through the back. Herobrine grunts and falls to his knees as blood poured quickly out of his wounds. Entity just chuckled as he walked over to Herobrine and grabbed him by his hair. I then looked around for Notch, but he was being pinned to the ground by Entity's guards. I couldn't help but feel tears run my face as I saw Entity beat the shit out of Herobrine. But I just kept trying to break out of

" You're too focused on me to even watch your surroundings. Because of that, Prim died protecting you! Why!? She didn't love you!" Entity yelled out angry. " You just had to ruin everything! My life! My appearance! And my love life!" Entity yells out as he raises his sword to finish him. " Herobrine might be powerful, but he's mortal. I have to save him...even though I must sacrifice my real life for him." I thought as I immediately grabbed my crystal necklace and smashed it quickly, I immediately break out of the spell as a black orb goes inside me. I jump to my feet and run as fast I could, as I felt something sprout from my back. I then wrapped my arms around Herobrine and shielded him from the fatal blow.

Notch's P.O.V...

It was as if I saw everything in slow motion as I saw Prim smash something and she jumps up to her feet. I widened my eyes as I saw her run to protect Herobrine as black wings sprouted from her back. Once she had Herobrine in her arms, her wings shielded them and when Entity's blade hit her wings, his blade shattered into pieces. All I see is a bright light shine as I saw Prim Loverbird's soul appear as she takes Entity's hand. He was speechless as he began to glow and before we all knew it. He had turned back to looking like his human self as they both turned to dust smiling at each other. Prim then looks at me and smiles as she tells me something. " Tell them I'm sorry, I must go now." She tells me as she finally disappears.

Prim's P.O.V...

After the bright light went away, I saw Herobrine laying on the ground still bleeding. I gasped as I pulled the sword out and threw it to the side. I then tried to hold pressure onto his wound, to stop the bleeding, but a white glow emited from my hand as I saw that I had healed him. I immediately yanked myself away from him as realization Dawn on me, that Entity was now right about. I no longer existed, at least...not in my real world anymore. I couldn't help but let out a sob of heartbreak as I screamed out in pain.

Herobrine's P.O.V...

We all sat there as we saw Prim break down away from us. She was in so much pain and it all was because of me. I forced her hand. Notch then helps me up to my feet as he patted my back in comfort.

" Is she...going to be alright?" We hear Steve ask and I just glared at him a little, since he was the one who caused this. But at the same time, I knew Entity controlled him. So, I was willing to let it go.

" Of course she's not okay, Steve. She sacrificed her real life for Herobrine." Notch tells him and Steve immediately looks guilty. I couldn't sit there and watch her cry, I felt terrible for hurting her. So, I quickly walked out of the castle as tears welded up in my eyes.

Prim's P.O.V...

After I had let it out, I looked behind me to only see Notch and Steve. So I quickly got up and ran over to Notch.

" Where is he!?" I ask worried.

" He blames himself for you saving him and losing your real life. He walked away." Notch admits and I immediately ran after him. I saw him walking down the road past dead bodies.

" Hero!" I screamed out as I ran as fast as I could to him. I guess he didn't hear me at first so I growled and yelled again. " Hero!" I yelled out and I see him stop walking. I finally caught up to him, but he didn't look at me. " Look at me Hero." I tell him, but he doesn't listen. So I grab his arm. " Look at me, god damnit!" I yell and he looks at me in surprise from hearing me use a tone he's never heard from me before.

" What?" He asks quietly. I swallow really hard and look at him with tears in my eyes.

" I do not blame you." I whisper out and he looks at me showing an emotional I couldn't figure out.

" What?" He asks maybe not hearing me. So I repeated it.

" I do not blame you for anything Herobrine! That was my choice, I would rather give up a million life's than to see your only one be taken away." I tell him and he seems speechless. " I love you Herobrine, I love you so much it hurts!" I tell him. " Even after everything Entity did to me, I still love you." I tell him.

" What did he do?" Hero asks and I just grab his hand and place it on my forehead.

" Look for yourself, I have nothing to hide from you." I tell him and he immediately sighs and closes his eyes as he began to see my memories. After awhile, he opened up his eyes again and dropped his hand to his side.

" I....I can't believe he tricked you...showing that lie to you, just to try and make you hate me." Hero says in anger. So I decide to grab his hand.

" He tried, yes. But I don't." I tell him and I hear him chuckle.

" Obviously." He says making me giggle.

" Okay, smartass. Now kiss me already." I tell him as I pulled him to me by the helm of his shirt. He just cups my cheek as he slams his lips against mine as I kissed him back. While I wrapped my arms around his neck as he held me by the hips.

" If y'all are getting it on, why don't y'all go somewhere more private?" We hear Notch say and we just smirk as we acted to not have heard him, as we continued. " Are y'all serious? Come on, not in front of innocent eyes." Notch groans and me and Herobrine can't help but laugh and pull away as we stare at Notch, who was trying to cover Steve's eyes.

" Okay, old man." I tell him and Notch just glares.

" Old man! If I am a old man, then that means Herobrine is one two. " Notch points out.

" Maybe, but at least he doesn't look like one." I joke making him gasp and lay his hands on his bald head.

" How dare you? I am beautiful!" Notch says making us all laugh when he breaks out a pose. I then feel Herobrine grab my hand and when I turn around, I gasp. He was kneeing down in front of me as he pulled me close. Everyone immediately went silent as Hero spoke up.

" Prim Rosette, you have given me so much more than I could give you back. Your honesty makes you even more beautiful since it tells me you loyal and caring. You don't let anyone boss you around and if it weren't for you. I would not be standing here today. So, I am asking you Prim, if you would make me the most honored man in the world to have you as my wife?" He asks as he pulls out a ring and I can't help but gasp when I see that it was no normal ring. It was the same ring my father purposed her with.

" did you.." I mumble and he blushes.

" I asked for your dad's approval first, before Entity kidnapped you. That was why I was late to the garden. He gave me this and I knew that it would make you happy." Hero tells me and I just nod as I tackle him to the ground.

" Yes, oh gawd yes! I will marry you Hero!" I yelled out making him laugh as placed it on my finger. I immediately kissed him deeply as I sat on top of his waist. He instantly kissed me back as we heard Notch and Steve clap for us and I immediately blushed from all the attention.

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