Sacrifices Pt.1

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Prim's P.O.V...

I slowly began to wake up again as I felt so stress-free. I was laying our bed and I couldn't help but giggle as I looked over at Entity. He was sleeping soundly, so I crawled over to him and kissed him. Immediately waking him up as his red eyes opened and stared at me.

" Good morning my love." I tell him and he just smirks as he reaches his hand up to my face and caresses it.

" Morning princess." He tells me back as he leans up and kisses me. I don't hesitate to kiss back and he pushed me down onto his bed. He then began kissing my neck and I had a few quick flashes of another man doing the same. I gasped, but he didn't stop. So I just ignored the flashes of the man as I made out with my husband. He then pulls away and pulls me off of the bed with him as he gave me some clothes. I noticed that it was a bit skimpy so, I just giggles and began stripping as he watched me in lust. I then changed into the clothes and he immediately pushed me up against the wall and kissed me once more. " You are way more curvy than her." I hear him say under his voice as he caressed my hips. I just giggled again as licked his neck all the way up to his ear, making him moan. " I would love to make love with you right now, princess. But our enemies will be attacking today and I must get the troops ready." He tells me and I just groan.

" Okay, but once we kill them and win. Let's have a child." I tell him and he just chuckles and nods.

" You bet, maybe even more than one." He flirts and I just smile.

" Okay, I'll see you later then." I tell him as we share a quick kiss and part from each other.  I then go over to my vanity and began putting make up on to make me look better for him. I even curled my hair and put on all my jewelry. One, which was a diamond tiara that he had made for me. I then finally slip on my wedding ring and smiled at myself in the mirror, but I felt like there was something missing. " Who was that man, that I saw in those flashes? He seems so familiar. Oh, that's right....I was kidnapped and forced to marry that evil man. Until Entity, my true husband, saved me from." I thought to myself, as I still felt something missing inside of me.

Entity's P.O.V...

" I can't wait till I see the look on Hero's face when he finds that Prim Rosette doesn't exist anymore. Then when she kisses me in front of him, that will break from!" I thought happily as I got the troops ready.


The battle had already started and I was know sitting on my throne waiting for Notch and Herobrine to come to me. Prim waited in the next room, as I told her to come when I needed her. I guess it would take a while for them to finally get here since they still didn't show up. But I was patient man, so I waited for them as twenty guards waited in hiding. I then see the door get slammed open as I see tree men come in. Which were Notch, Steve, and Herobrine. They all were winded and angry as they looked at me.

" Entity! Should have known you would be hiding here behind your men!" Notch yells and I just chuckle.

" Of course, what are slaves for?" I ask pissing him off, but Hero stops him from coming at me. " Huh, I would have thought you Herobrine, would have been more angry to see me." I admit curious.

" Where is she!?" Herobrine yells out angrily.

" Who?" I ask and he growls.

" Prim..." He growls again.

" Which one? Prime Rosette or Prim Loverbird?" I ask smirking.

" You know damn well who I mean!" He yells.

" Oh, so you mean Prim Rosette. That's easy, Hero. She doesn't exist anymore, I made her back to normal." I tell him and I see his face soften. " Prim? My love, come here." I call out for her and I see her obediently walk over looking beautiful.

" Yes, my love?" She asks and I point over at Herobrine.

" Do you remember that man?" I ask her and she looks over at him.

" Yes. He's the one I married out of pity." She says unemotionally.

"'re not married to anyone." Hero tells her.

" I don't think you understand Herobrine. This isn't Prim Rosette anymore, this is...Prim Loverbird." I tell him. " The one you took from me and made her marry you. I have brought her back!" I yell towards him, as I stood up. " Right my love? You love me, not him" I ask her and she just smiles as he reaches up and kisses me.

" I only love you, of course." She says pulling away as she stood beside me.

" Entity that isn't Prim Loverbird's body or soul. She is dead! Not matter what you do to Prim Rosette, she'll never be her again!" Notch yells out as pain showed on Herobrine's face. " Herobrine.... he's only manipulating her. She doesn't know what she's doing." Notch tells Herobrine, but Herobrine doesn't move.

" Oh yeah Notch? Prim, go over to them and converse with them." I tell her and she immediately follows orders.

Prim's P.O.V...

As I was standing next to my husband, I felt me heart tighten as I followed my husband's orders. I walked over to them smiling as I stuck out my hand.

" Hi, I am Prim Loverbird." I introduce myself to the bald man.

" Prim, that's not you. He's manipulating you! You have to snap out of it!" Notch tells me as he shakes me by my shoulders.

" Notch, stop you could hurt her." I hear the other man say and Notch listens. I am then grabbed by Herobrine as he held me tightly, which sent a spark go through my body.

" I'm so sorry... Prim. You deserved so much better than this." I heard Herobrine say to me and I immediately gasp in shock. I then felt warm inside as I began to glow.

" What the- How!?" I hear Entity say shocked as I began remembering everything, but I started to fade into dust. " Get her away from him before he sends her back!" Entity yells out and I feel Entity yank me out of Hero's hands. I couldn't move as Entity tried to make me look at him.  " Look at me Prim." He tells me, but I can't move. " What have you done to her!?" Entity asks as I go unconscious.

Entity's P.O.V...

" What have you done to her!?" I ask Herobrine and he just chuckles as he looks at me with red eyes.

" I won't let her get in the way again. This time, I will kill you and I will not give mercy." Herobrine growls in a demonic voice as I laid her down and faced him.

" You can try!" I yelled out as took my sword out and charged him as Notch and Steve fought off my guards.

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