Two Husband's!?

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Prim's P.O.V...

I had already said goodbye to Mrs. Applegate and was now riding out of town.

" You ready to leave Ender?" I ask him and he just snorts as he continues to trot down the road. " I guess you are then. I can tell we're going to do great things together." I chuckle as we take off into the world. I didn't have any clue where to go, so I decided to follow my instincts....well, more like the voice in my head.

( Pic Above of Ender.)


After we had done quite a journey, we made camp once more as I gave Ender some food and a pail of water. He was an amazing horse and surprisingly we seem to feel really close. I've had horses before in real life, but none had a bond with me like him. Me on the other hand, ran out of food, so I began hunting. After a bit of hunting, I cooked some rabbits and ate them. It was the first time I have ever had one and they were so delicious. Once I was done eating, I fell asleep against a tree in the leaves of some bushes. When morning came, I packed up and took off on Ender again. " We're getting close." The voice tells me and I continue going until they tell me to stop. We were now standing in front of a jungle temple and I just looked at it confused. " He's asleep in there." They tell me and I tie Ender up close by. I then made my way in as I held out my sword. After a bit of wondering, I came into a room that had strange markings on the walls. " He's in here. You must find him....I must go now...." The voice says and I just sigh as I walked forward. I continued to walk as fog filled the room and soon I was walking through a mansion. There was no one in sight, just an empty mansion, but I kept going and kept searching.


After what felt like forever, I had came into a bedroom. I then gasped as I saw a man sleeping on the right side of the bed. He seemed to be soundly asleep since he wasn't moving or anything. I hesitantly walked over to the side of the bed and sat down next to him.

" You must wake him now." I hear the voice again, this time coming from next to me. I quickly look up to find almost an exact replica of me, but more taller, standing there in a dress.

" You....your me?" I ask and she nods.

" You are my reincarnation Prim Rosette. You must wake up your husband now, he's in a fake world. You need to wake him." She tells me.

" My husband!? I haven't even married him." I tell her and she smiles sadly.

" I did, but it wasn't my destiny. It was you who was destined to marry him. Please, you must understand. I wouldn't ever force you or anyone into something like that. I never loved him. I felt bad for him costed me my life....please understand." She tells me and I feel my anger bubble up.

" You mean to tell me, you didn't love him? T...then can I feel those memories that weren't mine?" I ask confused.

" They're not memories, they are visions." She tells me and I began to blush. " You love him even without meeting him. I wish I hadn't messed everything up, but you can fix this. When you feel that it is necessary, smash the necklace and you will have my power. But once you do, you will not be human anymore. You will be stuck here forever in Minecraft and everything in your old world will disappear. Your family will forget you, your life gone. The same goes for you if you die here; even when you didn't smash the necklace." She explains and I gasp as I held the crystal necklace in my hand tightly. " You are running out of time now, hurry and wake him." She urges me.

"" I ask looking at him.

" Kiss him." She answers simply and I blush as I raise my hand to my lips. " This will be my first kiss." I thought in realization as I leaned above him. As I see her ghostly figure dissipate into the air and I suck in a sharp breath and let it out. I then leaned the rest of the way down and placed my lips onto his, giving him the most meaningful kiss since it was my first. Once I had kissed him, a man speaks back in random and it sounded like Notch. I knew that this must have been the banishment code and that it was breaking it apart as a bright light flashed, knocking me out unconscious.


I slowly began waking up as I felt my head stop spinning. Once I open my eyes, I literally see Herobrine hovering over me with an emotional look on his face.

" H...Herobrine..." I say out breathless from how beautiful the white glow shines out of his eyes.

" Prim." He whispers out, making my heart race from the way he says it. Before I can do anything else, he leans his ear onto my chest as he listened to, what I guessed, was my heartbeat. " You're..." He begins, by I immediately push him away.

" I am not her....anymore." I tell him and he looks at me in confusion. " I am not the same Prim you thought you knew." I tell him and he pulls my chin around, examining my face closely.

" But you are exactly the same." He says unsure.

" Herobrine, my name is Prim Rosette. Not Prim Loverbird, she died hundreds of years ago." I tell him and I can immediately see the pain on his features.

" No, and here I thought I had gotten you back." He growls as he stands up upset.

" I'm sorry, I'm not who you wanted me to be." I tell him and he sighs. " Then why and how did you awaken me?" He asks. " When you kissed me, I felt her...not you." He says which hurt my feelings deeply.

" I...I..." I try to say until I felt a small pain go into my head. " Prim, my love...where are you?" I heard another man's voice ask in my head. " Who are you?" I ask and Herobrine looks at me funny.

" You already kno-" Herobrine was about to say, but I cut him off.

" No, n...not you Hero." I tell him and he looks at me in confusion. " You must not remember me then, it is me, your husband Entity." The man answers me.

" husband? Entity?" I ask myself in confusion. " No...I am not her!" I yelled as the pain in my head got worse. I immediately began to hold my head and back away from Herobrine.

" Prim? Prim! How do you know him? How do you know Entity?" Herobrine asks me.

" No, I am not married to you... I am not her!" I yelled as the voice in my head kept repeating that he was.

" Prim." Herobrine calls me as he touches my arm and the voice goes away. I immediately look at him and he sighs. " I have a feeling I know who you are. May I look at your memories?" He asks and I just nod.

" Yeah, it might be easier for you to understand." I tell him and he just nods as he places his hand on my forehead.

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