Death Comes and Goes Pt.1

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Prim's P.O.V...

It had been months since our wedding and I was due any day now. I was laying in the guest bedroom since I had a feeling that it was coming soon. So, for just in case I waited in bed as our maids tended to my every need. I even called for Notch, Steve, and Mrs. Applegate and all of them were on there way. ( Knock, knock!) I hear and I sigh out in relief.

" Come in!" I yell out as I see the door open and all three of them walk in. Mrs. Applegate immediately rushes to my side as she held my hand. " Thank gawd, y'all are here. My contractions have gotten constant." I tell them.  " N...Notch!" I call him over and he grabs my other hand hand.

" Yes, I'm here." He tells me and I smile sadly at him as tears welded up in my eyes.

" I...I was twin child before." I tell him, surprising all of them. " I'm so scared...please." I cried as I squeezed his hand tightly.

" Why are you scared?" He asks softly as everyone listened in.

" mom. She died giving birth to us and my twin brother died. I...if I die. Promise me that you'll take care of Hero and our children." I tell him and I see his eyes water up as he nodded. " Please say it." I beg and he just swallows hard.

" I...I promise." He says and I just nod smiling. " Damnit, where's that stubborn husband of yours?" He asks me and as I am about to answer. I immediately grunt as I feel another contraction.

" I think he wen- Ahh!" I scream as I squeezed their hands tightly. " They're coming!" I screamed as I felt my water break. " My water broke!" I yell in pain as everyone is pushed out of the room. I then see Herobrine rush in and let out a breath of relief. Once he sees that he had made it.

" Prim." He says worriedly as he grabs my hand and sits down next to me. The doctor and midwife were already starting to do their job as I cried.  " It's okay Prim. You can do this." Hero tells me and I just nod and smile as I let out another grunt.

" Okay, we're ready. Push on the count of three Mrs. Brine. One, two, push!" The doctor tells me and I immediately bagan pushing. " Okay, your doing great! One, two, push!" He says again and I do.


After awhile of pushing, I had finally pushed out one of them.

" It's a boy!" The doctor yells out and hands him over to the midwife after cutting the umbilical cord. " Okay, just one more Mrs. Brine." He tells me and I nod. " It's the same, so...One, tow, push!" He tells me and I began pushing. But I was able to push the last one out quicker than the first one. As I heard another baby cry. " It's a girl!" The doctor says as he does the same with her. I immediately felt my vision go blurry as I felt myself get weaker.

" You did great Prim." Hero tells me as he looks at me and I smile weakly.

" Good, both of them lived....I... I don't think I am...alright. I.... I love you...H..Herobrine." I tell him as I feel myself let go of Hero's hand as my world goes dark.

Herobrine's P.O.V...

After telling her she did great I hear her sigh.

" Good, both of them lived....I... I don't think I am...alright. I.... I love you...H... Herobrine." She says out Is I feel her hand drop out of mine and I immediately looked at her as my smile faded.

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