Chapter 1

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Alexander pov

" they stole your money again and the drugs, " Rocco said nervously his my second command and my best friend his like my brother we grow up together but still I'm his boss everyone is afraid of me even myself I don't trust myself

I slam my fist on the table angrily the motherfuckers stole again from me how dare they I'm Alexander knight no one takes what's mine even if is my drugs and money everyone in this city knows me I'm the deadliest assassin I kill whoever comes in my way because this city in mine and nothing happened without me knowing it

In mafia world, everyone knows my name and wants me to work for them but I have my own gang and I'm a businessman and no one knows I'm a gang leader but still a businessman they fear me and police can't do anything without prove

" destroy his gang Rocco just give me the leader and where is the folder I asked, " I said angrily and lite a cigarette I inhale to calm myself but I can't I have to kill

" yes boss," he said Rocco knows not to say anything else he handed me the folder I wanted " where is mason," I ask opening the folder

" school where you send him," he said and left to do his job mason is his fuck buddy they are like a couple but none of them confront their feelings

I know in which school he is like I said the whole city is mine I send him to be with........ Elliot

Opening the folder I saw his picture I smirked his mine and only mine, the first time I saw him I knew he was mine I saw him in the school I was picking my brother Wesley his 16 I asked my brother if he knew his name he said yes he told me his new and is already popular

Elliot was smiling with his friends and smoking he smirked at a girl who passed because they were staring at him

I look at his pictures he is tall 6'1 his perfect dark brown hair and eyes they are hazel he has a tattoo and his not small or thin he has abs and biceps and pout on his rosy lips fuck I want him

His full name is Elliot Wilson,18 years old he's the only child and he's not a social person, his parents are always working, so his alone

I close the folder and called Rocco " we going to be students again brother finish the paperwork " I said I heard Rocco choke and coughed before he could say anything I hang up

I can't wait to see you Elli smirking I stand up and buttoned my coat and walked out I have to kill someone, someone has to pay...

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