Chapter 45

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Elliot pov

I don't know what happened or how it happened I feel dizzy my head hurts everything is blurs " don't worry help is coming " I heard someone say " I can't feel my leg " I said my leg numb it's stuck I can't move " shit " I heard the man say

This is it will I die today will everything go away, my loneliness, my sorrow, I will die alone on a dark night with no one with me lying on the ground I can barely open my eyes but I can see the fog and hear the sirens

I didn't tell him I love him that I forgive him and I will love him always that I don't hate him I want to tell him he can break me many times he wants I will still love him his everything I ever wanted

I didn't saw Elazar I just left I wish I could see him last time I want to hug him and tell him I love him all these years he was my hope, my love, my happiness, my strength I will miss hearing him call me daddy while he runs in my arms

I felt someone pick me up and put something on my mouth  " sir stay awake don't close your eyes " another unknowing voice said I can't stay awake anymore " we are losing him give me the life pack " I heard him shout I can't anymore and the darkness took over

Mason pov

" What did you do, " I ask glaring at Alexander " don't talk to me like that mason again," he said glaring at me I gulp and nodded

" I did nothing we just talked, now go I want to be alone," he said rubbing his forehead sighing I left his room and walk downstairs it's been few hours and guests are already gone Mateo and Elazar are playing in his room

when Elliot come he walked upstairs and didn't come after we cut the cake I was worried I didn't want him to see Alexander because seeing him will hurt him more

I love him he's my brother but I'm hopeless I can't help him he shut all of us out but I saw him for the first time in years cry in front of others and he lied to me I knew something happens

Arms wrapped around my waist and soft lips pressed on my collarbone " hey baby " Rocco whispered " hey " I said turning around and kissed his cheek

" you look sexy," he said smirking I roll my eyes and turn my head away hiding my blushing face " fuck " he groaned and pressed his lips against mine I run my hand through his long hair

" daddy" Mateo voice startled me I pull away from Rocco and looked towards stairs I saw him and Elazar standing " yes," I said I cleared my throat

" where is daddy, " Elazar asked looking around " your staying with Mateo for a few days do want to stay with us," I said he nodded smiling " but he left without seeing me," he said I bit my lip and look at Rocco for help he ignored me asshole

" he wanted to see you but he had to do something that's why he left quickly, " I said ruffling his hair he runs back upstairs with Mateo

" What Happened, " Rocco asked I turn around and saw him turning the tv on " Elliot saw Alexander I don't know what happened but I saw Elliot eyes red I knew he cried, " I said he turned to me and sighed

" I don't know Elliot much but I know that they have to fix this it's been years both of them are pushing each other away and hurting each other " Rocco said I nod

I heard footsteps coming down I turn around and saw Alexander he looks cold like always but with Elliot his absolutely a completely different person you can't even recognize him as the dominant coldhearted Alexander knight

I saw his gun as he put his suit jacket on I sigh his doing it again " boss " I said he turned around and raised his brow at me " where are yo..- " I was cut off

breaking news: 23 years old the youngest millionaire Elliot Wilson got in a deadly car crash hit by a truck And the details: we don't know if he's gonna make it he's currently in city hospitals under operation

Everything stopped as I heard the news I look at Alexander he is frozen he looks pale and his whole body is shaking as he looked at the tv screen Elliot car is completely broke " n..o no, no " he shuttered and shook his head

I run towards him " Breath Alexander calm down we have to go to the hospital " I said he looked at me his eyes are glossy with tears " I can't lose him he still didn't forgive we are not together I can't l.. " he said trembling I have never seen him so scared

" calm down we are going now, " I said " no stay I'm going alone," he said shaking his head and didn't wait for my answer before running out I heard his car ramble as he started driving

" mason calm down you're shaking yourself, " Rocco said cupping my face how is so calm my Best friend my brother is dying in the hospital " Elliot he is..- " I tried to say " shhh please don't cry I will call the nanny and we can go to hospital," he said pulling his phone out and called Mateo's nanny

" she's going to be here in ten minutes go take out your jacket then we will leave," he said kissing my forehead nodding I walk in our bedroom and put my jacket on and walk out the room

" uncle mason what's wrong where are you going why do we have to stay with Sara, " Elazar asked making take a shaky breath I kneel in front of him and swallow how can I say that his dad is in the hospital how can I tell him that I might lose my brother

" nothing is wrong I and your uncle Rocco have to do something important that's why you and Mateo are staying with Sara don't worry we will come home quickly and eat ice cream," I said his eyes lit up and nodded

I kissed he's and my son's head before walking out I covered my mouth holding the sobs I can't stop the tears from falling everything will be ruined without Elliot nothing will be okay god please save him

He didn't deserve any of this most of his life he was in pain he didn't know what happiness is people hurt him by leaving him god please he always helped others and made others happy he never thought about his own happiness Just once give both Alex and Elliot something Alex will die he will be like a shell of he lose him

Be okay brother, please

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