Chapter 16

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Eliot pov

groaning I opened my eyes and blinked a couple of time to see clearly I lifted my head and look around the room I'm in living room

Fucking hell

I held my head and tried to move my hand but it felt heavy I look down and saw...Alex in my arms sleeping soundly his leg between my legs and his head pressed against my chest

my eyes widen, quietly I pull away from him and run upstairs slowly not making a sound I'm not in the mood to talk, I walk towards bathroom and took my pants where is my shirt, shaking my head I walk-in the shower and turn it on

The cold water pour on me making me shiver down to my body sighing I sat down and lean my head against the wall and shut my eyes

Why is he here or why didn't he left and why was he sleeping in my arms, I can't remember clearly it's blurry he brought me home then I changed after this I don't remember anything

I feel like I'm missing something important

Wrapping a towel around my waist I walk out the shower and stared at my reflection in the mirror I look pale and dark circles around my eyes I look like shit

I walk out the bathroom, I put my briefs and a black ripped jeans with my white shirt on, after styling my hair I walk out the room and make my way downstairs

Every step I made on the stairs make me want to scream  it's so empty nothing I can't hear my parents laughter or my moms giggling it's hurt so much being alone in this big Hause

On the last step, I saw Alex still sleeping soundly, I don't want him to be here but I want to know what happened last night sighing I walk in the kitchen and make breakfast

" morning " I hear his husky voice I stopped cutting fruits and looked up and saw him standing with his messy hair sleepy brown eyes and without a shirt


He looks good his bare chest is in front of me I have this urge to touch him I want to run my hand over his perfect abs and muscles, I'm not attracted to men than why I'm thinking like this

" Elliot " I look at his face then I realized I was staring at his chest " sorry, do you want to take a shower," I ask putting fruits in a bowl

" yeah," he said, nodding I walk upstairs with him following me I feel his eyes on me I walk faster to my room

" this the towel and as for clothes take mine it's in the closet if you need anything else just tell me, " I said he nodded but looked confused I know why he thinks I hate him

I do or I don't

I don't know it's different now I don't hate him and I don't like him

" breakfast is ready be quick," I said he nodded again and walk in the bathroom without looking at him again I walk downstairs to the kitchen

My phone rang I pulled out my pocket and looked at the screen it's unknown, who could it be

" hallo," I said no one spoke it's silent I went to hang up " it's Isa " I heard a whisper

" Hey what's up, " I ask looking out the window " I'm sorry," she said crying " why are you sorry you didn't do anything, " I ask confused

Why she called me and why she's sorry and why is she crying

" I did something horrible without telling you," she said sniffing " hey it's okay what happened, " I ask running my fingers through my hair

" I...had...a...abortion I...killed...your baby without asking you I couldn't have a kid I'm still young that's why I did it I didn't want you to know that I'm was pregnant because I knew you wouldn't let me have an abortion, you didn't want to kill him," she said crying

" it was a...boy " I whisper my hand are shaking " yes I'm sorry Elliot," she said I can't bear to hear her voice it makes me disgusting, I hang up and turn around I saw Alex standing looking at me wearing my clothes

" sit," I said putting eggs and bacon on his plate and a coffee mug with a bowl of fruits and sat down I lost my appetite so I just sat down

" Why are you not eating," he asked " I ate before you woke up, " I said looking down he nodded both of us sat in silence I can't find words to say

She was pregnant and she didn't tell me, she had an abortion she killed my kid without telling me I want to fucking kill her, how could she do that to a baby it's not like we didn't like the sex both of us enjoy it and I had condom still she got pregnant and she never asked me I could have given her the money a home

" What happened last night," I ask he stopped eating and looked at me with some emotion that I can't understand

" you can't remember, " he asked I shook my head he clenched his jaw," you told me about- that you were raped," he said

I think I stopped even breathing what would I do that because I was drunk and I just said it to him I have never talked to someone even if I was drunk the only person I talked was mom, I don't know what to say so I just asked another question

" and did I do anything else, " I ask looking at me confused " we...kissed," he said I drop my head and shoulders and shut my eyes

I want to cry it's too much for a day I lost my baby I talked about being raped to the person I don't like and I kissed the person I don't like and the important thing is he's a man I kissed a man

I shut my eyes tightly I want to remember, I was talking to him than he hugged me I cried after that he kissed me and I didn't pull away from him than  Alex on top of me his lips all over my neck and hand on my chest it made me shiver at the thought of it

" thank you for bringing me home and The kiss it was a mistake it should have never happened, " I said standing up and walk past him but held my hand and turned me around

" It wasn't a mistake why are you running away from me," he said pressing me against the wall " Alex stop it was a mistake I was drunk," I said breathing hard

" you knew what you wanted, so don't act like this," he said getting closer to me I can feel his breath " I hate you I hate gays," I said he smirked " I know," he said licking his lips and looked at my lips

" your mine Elliot " he whispered before smashing his lips against mine


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