Chapter 43

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Elliot pov

walking in the house I saw kids playing and parents talking to each other I sigh and put the gift on the table I look down at my son " go play but don't go anywhere far " I said he nodded and run towards Mateo

I saw them hugging and Elazar kissed his head as Mateo smiled " you come " I turn around and saw mason grinning at me his wearing a white shirt a black skinny jean a brown leather jacket

" you begged me so, " I said smirking he chuckled and pulled me for a hug " hey Elliot " I look up and saw Rocco my smile faded I pull away " Good boy," I said his lips twitched as he shook his head and hugged me " long time no see," he said pulling away " busy," I said he rolled his eyes

" your always busy and mason is sad because of you his like a hormonal woman one minute angry and one minute happy," he said this time I roll my eyes at him " it's not my fault it was my work that I'm now the second richest businessman and mason just hug him that's enough, " I said as I heard a cough behind me I turn around and saw mason glaring at me

" I'm right here you know," he said crossing his arms " I know," I said smirking he huffed " stop it or I will make Alexander come here," he said and put his hand over his mouth and looked at me eyes widen

the whole amusement faded away from my face as I clench my jaw " fuck I'm sorry I didn't me-.. " he tried to say but I cut him off " it's fine " I said nodding and walked away

" uncle Elliot " I heard a little voice turning around I saw Mateo I kneel in front of him and held his hand " hey cub happy birthday," I said he smiled " thank you," he said kissing my cheek

god these kids I can do anything for them I don't let anyone touch me let alone kiss me and now I let kids do it

as he runs off again I stand up and sigh I look at the stairs and all the memories folded in my mind shutting my eyes I took a step I don't want him to be here

I hate him you don't I hate him you don't his dead to me then why Hesitate to go upstairs sighing again I took out a cigarette out and lit it

Inhaling the smoke I walk in a room and stopped in my track it's his nothing changed it's still dark and still, the same scent is around the room his scent that makes you crazy

closing the door I took my jacket off and walk in the balcony I look down and saw kids playing and parents laughing I wish I could laugh and be happy so freely without any pain and loneliness

did I deserve this, what I'm paying for? I don't have anything inside my dark heart except hate, anger, pain and a broken heart, I don't want this, none of this, I want to die every damn second it's not a day went away that I hadn't thought absolutely killing myself but I can't do it because I don't want to leave my son I'm the only one he has

after all those years I couldn't fall in love with Isa I can't forgot about him and I hate him for it I hate him so much for cussing me this pain and a fucking broken heart with a broken Elliot that I can never pull it together because it breaks again every time I try

" I missed you Elli " I felt his warm bread against my ear I didn't move I can't move I'm frozen his front is pressed on my back I gripped the railing and shut my eyes

what's Happening? I can't look at him or I will lose myself again he makes me weak for him and I can't do anything about it I'm so useless I don't even have control over my own body

opening my eyes I unwrapped his arm from my waist and turned around I looked at him stunned my hear aching I want to touch him so bad I can't even decide what I want I don't want him near me but at the same time I want I want to forget him but at the same time I don't

He looks bigger and muscular his stubble has grown a little he didn't shave and his black hair is longer his looking at me with so much emotion happiness, sadness, anger and guilt, no Elliot not again

without saying anything I began to walk away " I'm sorry " he said I stopped in my track my heart beating fast I think it might stop beating " I love you " he said I turn around and looked at him dead " no you don't, remember " I said I want to cry

he looked same as me emotionless we both are alike cold and emotionless but his deadlier his still a gang leader in six years so much changes like people now fear and respect him outside the country too

" stop saying that I was angry and I'm sorry," he said that's not enough he could have come to me instead he sent me a voice mail that I didn't even hear

" what, that you broke me, " I said he clenched his fist and walked towards me slamming me against the wall, " you think it was easy for me to be away from you to watch you marry someone else to see you smile but inside your dying when I see you like this I'm dying to every damn second when you're in pain," he said burying his face into crook my neck I want to hug him and kiss him why I'm thinking like this I should hate him

" your a lier, " I said pushing him away but he grabbed me by my throat making me swallow he smirked " you still like that," he said getting closer to me our faces inches away

I didn't say anything " you like when I'm rough " he whispered I shook my head " I don't like it, " I said he looked me with sadness but suddenly his expression changed " I love you I'm sorry I hurt you let get back together and I promise I will show you how much I love you," he said kissing my neck

why is he acting like nothing happened between us six years fucking years why it's like we didn't fight or were apart for years we can't be together I'm not eighteen anymore and his not twenty, I can't be selfish I was ready to leave my son for him but now I'm not gonna do it no matter what

" We can never be together Alexander," I said pulling his hand away from throat he growled and grabbed me by my shirt before throwing me on his bed

" I will make us go back," he said growling ripping my shirt I didn't look at him as I felt his lips on my neck he changed his not the man I knew the man I...loved

" I don't love you anymore " I whisper he stopped and looked at me with a broken face but his expression changed and turned cold and angry

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