Chapter 53

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Alexander pov

For the first time in years, I felt pain something I didn't feel through the years

I was hurt and broken when Elliot left me or I left him it hurt so much my heart was broken but never pain, the pain that dad gave me after killing himself

I was crying all the time and angry at him how could he kill himself didn't he think about me was I not enough to make him happy I did everything to make him happy but at the end he killed himself

why did he do it I mean if she didn't love him he had to accept it you can't make someone love you forcefully but mother didn't deserve him he did everything he could to make her stay

For years I was looking after his work and him making sure he was okay I staying more with him talked to him but he never talked back he never smiled at me like before he didn't look at me with affection like before it was like he become someone he was before

I knew my dad was a cruel man before he met my mom he become soft because of love he become a lovable man for her for love but after she left he told me not to fall in love because it makes you weak I agree with him Love makes you weak not physically but mentally but at the same time strong it makes you want to fight

I shut my eyes and all the memories flooded in my mind that I forget because I was numbed all of it it didn't bother me anymore but now they are back I'm a murdered a monster

I can see the dead man that laid in the room I can see myself standing on the corner holding a gun while my uncle laughed and patted my back telling me good job

I can see myself lowering my head as I walked out the room towards my room and curl in my bed still holding the gun I was shocked and terrified I didn't know what to do it was blank all I could see was the dead body in my room his eyes wide open as he stared at me

I can see myself how I was shaking as tears stream my eyes how I sobbed and screamed in my mind for my dad to help me to take me with him

you don't have to be abused and used your whole life to be traumatized a simple thing can break you even with a perfect life a happy family you can feel lonely and unhappy I had everything but I was sad and after the shock all I felt was

Guilt. pain. self-hate. shame. anger and weaknesses

in school I was the golden boy that everyone loved I didn't bully anyone I didn't hurt anyone I wasn't the scary bad boy but everything changed

after months of training, killing people and pain I snapped and I did something that no one would have I....killed my uncle I looked at him dead in the eyes and shot him in the head

For the first time I saw fear in people eyes they were afraid of me even Rocco was but I didn't feel anything I was numb I wasn't miserable or angry, I didn't feel good or bad I felt nothing

I turned off again all of it like I did before I will not cry again I'm myself again

I snuggle closer to Elliot he gripped my waist tighter and breath heavily I'm still in my towel but my leg is bare pulling away I looked at him he smiles as he did before

Nothing happened I didn't cry he didn't cry we are back to ourselves we are not changing that's how we are cold and murderers we don't show affection like normal couples would but when we are together alone both of us are different

( Mature )

I cupped his face and pressed my lips on his I haven't tested his lips since we come from the hospital but it's different now it changed we never kissed like this I sucked his lips harder With my other hand I slid my hand under his shirt and run my hand over his chest

" Alex " He whispered biting my bottom lips and slid his hand under my towel " we should stop " he groaned as I kissed and sucked his neck and jaw his hand moved higher and higher as I licked bite and licked his neck and shoulder

" We have a date remember," he said biting my neck hard making me wince fuck it hurt l glared at him " don't do that " I hissed he only smirked and pulled my lower lip between his lips before biting it I felt blood in my mouth

Before I could hit him he gripped my member in his hand " what's wrong with you " I said he acts like an animal like he wants his marks on me that won't fade away

"you're hot when your angry," he said as he rubbed his thumb on my tip making jerk I felt his hand moving behind me not breaking eye contact he spread my ass cheeks before sliding his finger inside me I bit my already wounded lips harder

his finger slide in and out of me and with his other hand he kept stroking me he buried his face into crook the crook of my neck as he entered his second finger making me gasp

It feels so good, fuck

" Did anyone touch you like...this " he hesitates and thrust his fingers faster inside me I gripped his shoulder tightly what should I say I know his possessive of me and very jealous

I can never forget that boy who comes in the club beaten so bad I could recognize him he told me what Elliot told him that's why I don't want to lie to him

" " I shutter he stared at me and slid his third finger why is he scratching me I look at him wide eyes he smirked he wants to fuck me " better tell me the truth Alexander " he clenched his jaw and thrust even faster than before I moan out from pain and pleasure

" you don't want to know " I moan he bit my neck even harder " tell me " he growled and entered his fourth finger inside " Elliot stop it hurts, " I said putting my head in his shoulder and breathed hard I can feel nearing my climax

" did someone fuck you " he gritted his teeth and stroked me faster I moan " ahh yes fuck but " he didn't let me finish my sentence before pulling his fingers out of me as I cum in his hand

Without saying anything else he pulled away from me and walked towards the bathroom not glancing at me I sigh

Fuck it was a mistake I was so drunk that I was seeing him instead of the man I don't fucking bottom to anyone I just do it for Elliot 

Sorry for late update I was very busy this week 

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