Chapter 33

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This chapter is all Mature, skip this chapter if your uncomfortable reading BxB having sex don't read please because I don't want to read mean comments and I'm sorry if it's bad I'm not good at writing mature scenes

Elliot pov

" We are not doing anything," I said pulling away from the kiss and turn my head aside he held my chin and looked me angrily " why because I'm not a woman or because you hate me and hate gays or because your a coward," he said letting my chin go

I'm a coward, I can't be with him even if I want to and I'm scared what if he finds out about Isa's pregnancy what if he finds out I killed an innocent just for revenge I'm so scared and afraid I don't want him to look at me with disgust and hate I can't bear it

It's already painful it's hurts so bad the guilt I have it's eating me but at the same time I don't regret it his father killed my dad he didn't do anything to him and that Robert killed him my dad was innocent too

Fuck it, I'm gonna enjoy till it last, Alex will leave me so why can't I enjoy the time I have with him, he's the best thing that happened to me he made feel those- it sounds so cheesy but butterflies and I will do anything for him

" don't say that I don't care that your a man and importantly I don't hate you I hate gays but not you, I could never hate you," I said holding his neck from behind and kissed him gently

I can't tell him my pain and everything else so I'm gonna show him just with this kiss I kissed his soft warm and silky lips gently his everything I ever wanted just feeling him against me made me forget about everything

I run my hand on his shoulder and slid off his coat with my other hand I gripped his hair and tugged, Alex tilted his head aside giving me space as I kissed and sucked his sensitive flesh

I turned him around and put him on the desk I stood between his legs kissed him again Alex groaned as I started unbuttoning his shirt it's not fucking opening frustrated I rip it apart the buttons fell on the ground and made the click noises

Sighing I trailed kissed on his shoulder and neck while rubbing my hand over his hard crotch and cupped him I started unbuckling his pants I went to slid my hand under his pants but Alex stopped me " not here my room " he said I nod and picked him up Alex growled and wrapped his legs around my waist I chuckle

" fucker I'm older then you, I should pick you up not opposite I feel like I'm bottom," he said burying his face into my neck I chuckle again, " I told you before your a big bad alpha for others but for me you're just Alex and we are not doing this stupid top and bottom thing both of us are top and bottom," I said he nodded

I opened his bedroom door and closed with my leg smirking  I throw him on the bed not hard but he huffed I went to take my shirt off but Alex stopped me " let me " he said standing up I nod

I need to touch him I need to feel his warm body against mine I want him to never forget about me I want to destroy him for any other man that comes near him

Alex took my shirt off and kissed my chest while unbuckling my pants and I pushed his pants and briefs down and now standing naked in front of me " your so beautiful " I said touching his cheek he glared at me " I'm not a girl " making me chuckle he used my own words

I pushed him on the bed spreading his legs, fuck, and hover on top of him I sucked his neck giving him another mark mine Alex moaned and gripped my hips

" You have no fucking idea how much I want to fuck you I want you to squirm, whimper beneath me and beg me to stop I want to pleasure you ravish your body that you never forgot me, " I said kissing him

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