Chapter 28

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Mature, if you're uncomfortable with two guys doing something, you know what I mean, so please please don't read because I don't want to read mean comments, just skip until it's written mature end. and I have never write bxb mature scenes it's my first time so I'm really sorry :)

Elliot pov

" Alex," I said he licked my lips and I parted my lips for him as he slid his tongue in my mouth and kissed me harder his lips are so soft I shut my eyes and pulled him closer to me I kissed his lips and sucked his tongue he tastes like mint

I felt his fingers on my shirt as he tried to unbutton " stop " I said pulling away and put my hand on his chest he looked at me confused his lips are red and swollen I fucking love how he looks like this " why " he asked I look down I don't know am I scared or I'm just nervous because I have never done anything with a guy

" um...I don't know, fuck, I'm nervous because I have never done anything with a guy," I said biting my lips and avoided his eyes my cheeks are burning it's the second time I'm blushing because of him

" We are not going that far," he said kissing me and started unbuttons my shirt again I put my hand under his shirt and pulled over his head

I run my hand over his chest and abs I looked up and saw him smirking at me I roll my eyes at him " fucker " I mummer he chuckled I have abs too but not like his

sliding my shirt off from my shoulder Alex kissed my shoulder and neck " don't give me hickeys " I said he groaned " why " he asked I push myself from the door and walk back towards my bed until I fell on the bed with him on top of me

I didn't say anything just turn my head aside " Isa, she's the reason umm does she still touch you " he asked she did but I'm not gonna tell him " answer me " he growled biting my neck hard I wince " fuck, no she didn't " I said

he looked up and cupped my face with one hand " you have not idea how long I have been waiting to do this " he said kissing me again his fingers run over my chest making me shiver

He trailed kisses on my neck down to my chest licking and sucking I threw my head back as his tongue swirled over my nipple " you like that " asked I blush and look away he chuckled and licked again

I gripped his shoulder as he sucked and nibbled my swollen nipple and with another hand, he pinched my other nipple " Alexander " I moan " fuck say my name again " he said while biting and sucking my hip and my V-line making me jump " Alexander " I moan his name again

he unbuckled my pants and opened the zipper I gulp and bite my lip hard I can feel it's bleeding " relax " he said I nod but I cannot relax Fuck fuck fu..-

I flinched and inhaled sharply as he slides his hand under my boxers and pulled down I shut my eyes why I'm so embarrassed I have never felt self-conscious with any girl but it's Alex I don't want him to think I don't know I'm small or I'm not good looking

I look up at him he's already staring at me His brown eyes are dark filled with lust fuck me I look at my dick I'm hard I'm fucking hard and a guy made me hard

" your big," he said smirking god kill me now, please

He grabbed my cock and squeeze making me jerk and moan at the same time I felt his hot breath near my member as his warm lips wrapped around me I moan loudly as he twirled his tongue over the tip I gripped his hair between my fingers and tugged it

I gripped the sheets as he closed his mouth a little and started sucking, his teeth brush in my cock I wince but didn't say anything as he kept bobbing his head

" fuck," I said as he took my whole cock in his mouth and gaged a little the tip hit his throat I pull his head away " take off your pants," I said he nodded and unzipped his pants

I look at him as he pulled his boxer down I gasped his bigger then me I'm not gonna let him fuck me my poor ass he chuckled " don't be scared we are not doing it now " he said laying on top of me

" your beautiful," he said I glare at him " don't say that I'm not a girl and I hate cheesy comment," I said he nodded chuckling and kissed my neck

He stared grinding making our members rub together I shut my eyes as I felt him taking both of our cock in his hand and started stroking fast I can feel the pre-cum leaking on my stomach

" fuck I'm close " I moan as he sped faster and bit my nipple " me too," he said I can't take it anymore I feel like exploding " shit," I said as I cum in his hand and so did he on my stomach

Mature end

Alex rolled over and quickly I walk in the shower and turned it on, after washing my hair and body fast I walk out the bathroom with a towel around my waist I saw him laying on my bed still naked but clean

I picked my shirt and pants and put it on " are you angry " he asked turning to me I frown at him " why would I " I ask Walking towards bed " I don't know I just feel like your regretting it " he said sighing

" I'm not angry and definitely not regretting it now go take a shower," I said he nodded and walked in the bathroom naked I look away

I don't feel disgusted that he touched me but I feel disgusted with myself because I'm leaving him today I can do this to him or Isa and I have to decide and it's Isa I can't use him Alex is important to me

I laid on the bed and turned my back towards the door a single tear fell from my eyes I'm so weak I can't even be with someone that makes me I'm happy

I felt his arm around my waist as he buried his face into my shoulder " Alex " I whisper he turned me around and kissed me when he saw my eyes he glared at me and wiped my tears

" don't fucking cry because of me I hate when you cry," he said my lips trembled and I pulled him in my arms " I'm so sorry," I said choking " shh it's okay," he said

" no, it's not, " I said pulling away and cupped his face " I can't be with you I can't be yours and I can't tell you why I'm so weak for you Alexander ever since I saw you, you were the only one who made me cry and made me feel that I'm not alone and I hated you because of it but now I don't hate you I..I like you but We can't be together please understand, " I said crying

" We can be together don't say that I won't let you go no matter what Elliot your mine mark my words," he said kissing me hard I can feel my lips are bruised I didn't say anything just let him do what he wants

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