Chapter 18

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Elliot pov

"I found a Apartments you can move in whenever you want, " Samuel said " good, thanks what about the person I told you to find, " I ask taking a drag of my cigarette

" I'm still working on it it's hard to find him I don't know he's like a ghost but I'm searching more," he said sighing " thanks man and send me the address," I said running my fingers through my hair

" Okay bye," he said " wait, I want to fight so," I said shutting my eyes " yes you can come your the best fighter whenever you want I will be waiting for you be there at 23 pm," he said hanging up

He's always in my fucking mind I can't forget about him I can't be in peace for a minute the whole week I saw him talking to some boy and make out with him and looking straight in my eyes and smirked like he wanted me to be jealous

Was I jealous? I don't know it's so messed up I wanted to beat the shit of the guy who was kissing him, Alex didn't make out with any girl ever but now his open and kiss a guy it's ridiculous that I'm acting like this, why is bothering me

But I'm not gonna show him any emotion I don't want him to think he won I will not go to him we can't be together because I don't like him, I don't like men

Stop lying to yourself

I'm okay with it he can kiss whoever he wants I don't care I have more problems to deal with if any gang find I'm dead I can't let it happened I have to kill them before they kill me

Tonight in the club gang members and leaders will come to watch the fight and I have a chance I need information about them I -

" what the fuck are you doing, " I ask pushing her hand away Ashley smirked and pushed her breast on my chest and run her hand under my shirt " stop it, " I said pushing her hand away

" I miss you " she whispers in my ear I can't feel anything it's just lust fuck why does she have to have this body " well I don't, " I said rolling my eyes

" I miss you being inside me," she said brushing her lips on mine completely ignoring what I just said before

I put my hand behind her neck and yanked her hair suddenly I locked eyes with four pair of eyes Isa and Alex both of them stared at me waiting what I'm gonna do I look at Alex he looks angry good it makes me happy to see him like this I turn my head and locked eyes with Isa

I saw tears in her eyes she shook her head before running away clenching my jaw I pushed Ashley away and run after her

" Isa wait " I yell she just run sighing I run faster and yanked her towards me her small body slammed against mine holding her hand I walk in a dark classroom

Turning the light on I pushed her against the wall softly not to hurt her and put my hand on each side of her I look at her small little face as she cried

" Why are you fucking crying," I said slamming my hand on the wall " I couldn't see you with someone else," she said crying more I stare at her like she's crazy

" you killed my kid without telling me and I told you before I don't do relationships it's all your fault you did it yourself " I yelled at her she look up and I saw anger the same anger I have

"I didn't kill our baby " she yelled and yanked me by my hair before kissing me hard wrapping my arms around her I put her on the desk and held her hair in my hand

" what do you mean, " I ask pushing he dress down I look at her breast they are bigger now what's wrong me I can't fucking control it " I'm still pregnant with your baby," she said breathlessly as she unbuckled my pants, thank God no one comes here

" Why did you lie, " I ask pushing the dress over her head and look down at her small round belly " I was scared that you didn't want him and my parents said they will throw me out of the Hause if I didn't abort," she said kissing my jaw and spread her legs

" it's not a good reason you could have just come to me but I don't care now, You will move in my Hause," I said touching her belly " but " she tried to say "I was not asking you I was telling you I want my kid to be safe," I said before thrusting in her tight warm pussy

Isa let out a small scream " Elliot " she moaned as I fuck her I don't feel anything absolutely nothing it just lust no connection, nothing like I feel when I'm near Alex


What is he doing with me, the things I don't feel with anyone else I feel with him, I'm nervous, my heart will beat faster, I let my walls down with him and I hate it, I want to feel these things with Isa or someone else why Alex

" ohh fuck " Isa moaning brought me back I held her head and slammed my lips on her kissing her hard I'm sure I have already bruised her lips I don't want to think about him

He's always in my mind even when I'm fucking someone

rubbing her clit I slowly thrust in her I look down how my dick slid inside her in and out " ohh fuck I love how you feel inside my ass " Alex said

I stopped moving and look up wide-eyed Isa eyes are shut as she moaned I started moving my hips again what the fuck just happened

I pulled out and inserted two fingers inside her and with my thumb rubbed her clit as she cum shaking in my arms

" you will live in my apartment for now on," I said zipping my pant again I don't know what to say anymore my life is so fucked up " you didn't cum," she said I chuckle and shake my head " don't worry about it, " I said she nodded

I kissed her lips "you're going home to your parents and pack your clothes then we can go to mine " I said she nodded before leaving

Sighing I stood by the window and looked outside " what do I do mom I feel like I'm drowning " I whisper and turn around and saw the person I wanted and didn't want to see in front of me

" so you fuck girls in classrooms too," he said with venom and rage in his eyes


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