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Work in progress.. still editing (will post on each chapter if it has been edited)...


"Good work Agent Walker, another successful mission," The Head of the CIA-Mr. Matthew's said to me as he shook my hand.

"Thank you sir." I smiled at him.

"Please take a seat, we are going to discuss your new mission when Mrs. Daniels gets here. But for now, would you like anything to drink?" He asked me as I took my seat in front of his desk.

"No thank you sir, I'm good" I smiled, waving it away.

"Oh stop with this sir nonsense, you’re like family! I told you before, just call me Greg. I already think of you as my daughter." he said with a genuin smile.

"I keep forgetting" I laughed a little, shrugging my shoulders.

I had been with the CIA ever since I was six. My parents were some of the top spies that worked here. But they died in a factory that exploded before they could get out. The Head of the CIA took me in, and put me in training when I was little to help me be ready for anything. I have been going on missions ever since I was 12, but I only started off with little things. as I got older, the missions got more complex. But to me, they were still easy. By the age of 15, I was going on missions by myself. I guess that's why I'm one of the youngest top spies ever and at the age of 17 too.

I had just completed another mission, and in record time. Even for a mission this small. All I had to do was drug a guy after getting him to trust me, and then bring him in. piece of cake. It was only a small mission, I've done bigger ones like- going undercover to expose really big drug dealers, finding girls that were caught in trafficking, and finding and taking down major arms dealers.

And other stuff like that. But this was the first time I had completed a mission in 3 days. It wasn't a small mission, but it was small for how advanced I am. For any person who's been on for less than a year, it would have been a big mission. But since I've been training since my parents died, it's no big deal to me, and it's all I know.

"Ah Mrs. Daniels, good your here."he greeted Mrs.Damiels "We can start debriefing you on the mission now" He turned to me.

"We are sending you undercover again, but this isn't something you've done before. You see, because of your experience and your age, you are perfect for this mission." Greg handed me a Manila envelope. I opened it up and pulls out some files, there were three files on people in it. I scanned them over as he talked about them.


Emily Granger- Female ---------> photo

Age: 16

Height: 5'6

Hair: blond

Eyes: blue

Home: New England

Family- Robert Granger and Katherine Granger (deceased)


Robert Granger- Male

Age: 38

Height: 5'11

Hair: blond

Eyes blue

Home: New England

Family- Katherine Granger (deceased) And Emily Granger


Russell Knight- Male

Age: 42

Height: 6'2

Hair: brown

Eyes: green

Home: Russia, Moscow

Family- N/A


After looking at those, I looked at the papers behind the personal files and saw some files on a boarding school in England. It was a nice school; it's size and structer somehow reminded me of Hogwarts though. I chuckled to myself at the idea.

"On this mission Sadie, you must act as normal as you possible. Blending in is the key to this mission, but you must also stay on guard and keep a look out for threats "Greg said.

"Becoming friends with Emily will be easy, but becoming a normal everyday girl might be tricky." Mrs. Daniels told me and I nodded my head.

"Yes, that means you have to talk about boys and act interested and engage in social activities. Become one of those cheerleaders you despise so much, because that is your cover. But it has to be believable, because we know that there are people watching Emily, and if they find out who you are- both of you will be in danger." I nodded my head when she finished talking and looked in the envalope a bit more.

My new passport and identity, a stack of cash, some credit cards, and a set of car keys were in there. I held them up with a smile on my face, as I let them be caught in the light, and Greg smiled at me.

"Those, go to your new 2012 F-TYPE Jaguar. Drive safely Ms. Johnson". He said using my new Identity name.

"Will do Greg" I got up from my chair, said my goodbye and got whished goo luck. Then I left the office with the mission details running through my head.

Apparently Mr. Granger got into some shady business becasue he nedded more money to keep hs buisness going, but he never paid them back eerything becasue without him knowing, they charged interest. so thepeople who did business with him decided to hold him hostage until they get what they want.

-My mission is to go the Thatcher Boarding school in England, and become friends with Emily Granger. I am going to be her undercover body guard, so no harm comes to her while her dad is being held hostage. that way, if they decide that she could be good leverage to get what they want, i[ll be able to stpo them.

Greg was right, I've never had to do something like this before. I've gone under cover before, but this could be for a long time. I would have to become Carson Johnson, not just use that name for a week or two like I usually would. This will be different.






Spying is my life... But now I have to be a cheerleaderWhere stories live. Discover now