Chapter 4: The Serious One

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Hey, just a quick A/N... If 'The Black Diamond' has capital letters, then it's the secret organisation and if it's not (e.g. the black diamond) then it's the object. Thanks.

Nikoli rolled his eyes, dropping his head into his hands. "I am now depressed." He declared. "Okay." I said. "Is there a reason?" He glared at me. "Despite the fact that we're in an impossible situation? No."

"Nikoli, it's not an impossible situation. A few centuries ago, a friend of mine located the black diamond-"

"Why didn't you say that?" He stood up, grinning. "Let's go!" I shook my head. "No- he never told me where it was. I just need to find him. But I've only got his first name to go by, so it might take some time."  Nikoli sat back down and drummed his fingers impatiently on the table. "What's his name? I know a lot of people."  

"Elijah." Nikoli stopped drumming his fingers and looked up and me from under his mass of dark hair. "Elijah? Brown hair, square jaw? Brown eyes?" I hummed, nodding. "That's the one. Knew him in the 17th century. Why, do you know him?"

"He's my, uh- he's my brother." I hit my hand with my face. "Elijah Mikaelson. Wow, am I short sighted." Nikoli chuckled. "He's the serious one."

"The serious one?" I repeated, lifting my head with a questioning look in my eyes. "Yeah- Klaus, he's the murdering one-" I interrupted him with, "You've murdered people as well."

"I have, but he's murdered more. So Niklaus is the murdering one, Elijah is the serious one, Finn is mummy's boy, and Rebekah's the... well, she's our baby sister." He smiled softly down at his hands, for the first time. "You didn't mention yourself." I said quietly. "Me?" He asked, looking up- a dark grin on his face. "I'm the Crazy one."

We left Enzo in the booth for him to wake up when he may, and walked out to find Nikoli's brother- 'The Serious One' aka, Elijah. "So," Said Nikoli, looking at me out of the corners of his eyes, "You and Elijah." I raised my eyebrows and pushed my sunglasses up my nose. "Where is this going, Nikoli?"

"Were you ever more than friends?"

"No. Most of the time, Elijah disagreed with the way I dealt with things- said that there was a more peaceful way to do it." I shrugged. "There might have been, but I wasn't looking for it." Nikoli nodded, before chuckling. "You and I, we're the same."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. "Nothing- or, at least, nothing at the moment."

"Nothing at the moment." I repeated, shaking my head. "Nothing at the moment." I muttered once again. "Do you realise how insufficient 'Nothing at the moment' is?" I asked. "It's like telling someone that you have a really deep, dark secret that can change the world, and then you're like, 'Well, you've got to tell me'. And then they're like, 'No, you don't need to know'. Then why the hell did you tell me?" Nikoli laughed. "It was just a statement, Liz." I rolled my eyes. "God. Where the hell your brother?"

"I don't know; I don't keep tabs on them." He gave me a 'Look'. "I believe that is the point of this exercise, Liz, darling. To find him."

"Who are you trying to find?" Asked a tall, square jawed, brown-haired, brown-eyed man that suddenly appeared in front of us. "You." I replied, stopping walking. "Great to see you again, Elijah."

"Lizbeth?" He asked disbelievingly. "I thought you died in the fire back in-" I finished his sentence for him "1834. Yeah, well, surprise."

"Liz?" Asked Nikoli. "Don't." I said to him. "I'll tell you later. Maybe." He smiled at that. "Elijah," I said, who still looked grief-stricken from leaving me to die in that fire, "I figure you owe me one, right?" He nodded mutely. "Indeed."

"Well. I kind of need to know where the black diamond is, and so if you could tell me then I would totally consider us even." He shook his head once again. "I will not help you kill my brother, Lizbeth. Something else. Anything else. Kol? Are you helping her?"

"Damn right I am." He replied. "We're both the outcasts. We've got to stick together- and even you, Elijah, have to agree that this world would be far better off without Niklaus in it." Elijah swallowed. "You were never an outcast, Kol." Nikoli laughed. "You say that, and yet you know that you're lying." Elijah closed his eyes briefly. "I haven't known it's location since... 1967. Someone took it off the map."

"How?" I questioned. "In what way?"

"I don't know. Some place called Beacon Hills." Me and Nikoli shared a look. "Beacon Hills?" I repeated, grabbing a pen from my pocket and scrawling the name on my hand. "Any recorded supernatural activity there?" I asked idly. "I don't know. It was gone, and I figured it was for the best." I nodded. "Thank you, Elijah. I know that you stick by your family and this was hard." Elijah took a long look at both of us before saying, "You are family. Both of you." And then he was gone.

Me and Nikoli sat researching Beacon Hills in my small apartment. "There's records of animal attacks." Nikoli said, and I leaned over to look at the pictures. "Werewolves." I identified. "But those don't look like the kind of mark that Niklaus  and other werewolves leave." Nikoli said, frowning. "Ages ago, one of mine went to a place near today's Beacon Hills and said that it smelt funny there- like werewolves but, well, not. I just figured that they had something wrong with them, but maybe they could smell other werewolves."

"But why did they smell different? Why do they leave different claw marks?"

"Different type?" I suggested. "Maybe," He mused. "Well, one things for sure."

"What's that?" I asked. "We're going to Beacon Hills, not just to get the black diamond, but also to find out who and what the hell did this." I smiled. "Okay."

Then I realised something. Nikoli and I, we were the same.


Spellings, and don't forget to vote and comment if you're enjoying the story- or if you're not. Either way. Have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening wherever in the world you are.   


Word Count: 1064

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