Chapter 2: Meeting the Family

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Me and Nikoli finished our drinks, paid, and then exchanged phone numbers. "So," He started as we walked out of the Mystic Grill, "I noticed that you don't take your gloves off." He grinned at me wickedly. "Got a secret, Liz?"

"No," I replied. "Scars. I find that the mortals are scared by them and consequentially I wear gloves." His eyebrows flicked up. "Can I see them? What happened?" I nodded and slipped my gloves off, handing my hands over for Nikoli to inspect. "My family didn't like me." I explained. "They did this to you when you were human?" He asked. "Yes."

"Wait- how on earth did you survive?" He took his hands in mine, his large ones dwarfing mine as his fingertips ran gently over the scars and burns. I shivered- glad for the excuse of the cold, when it was really the feather light feeling of his touch. "I don't know." I replied, shrugging. "Never really thought that much about it." Nikoli releases my hands and I pull my gloves back on, putting them back into my pockets. "What are we doing then?" He asked, sliding his own hands into his leather jacket's pockets. "Thought you could meet the family."

"Meeting the family." He mused, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Big step."

"I thought." I agreed. "Kol!" An annoyingly loud, high pitch voice came. We turned to see a average sized, blond-haired, blue-eyed girl. Rebekah. "Bekah." Nikoli greeted with a nod. "What can I help you with?" Rebekah Mikaelson eyed me with a look of suspicion and disgust. "Who's this toad?"

"I take offence to that." I said mildly, as Nikoli gave a dark chuckle. "My friend."

"Where does your friend get her clothes from? McDonalds's kids meals?" Faster than the eye could see, my hands were wrapped around her neck and her face held a look of surprise, and then my hands twisted slightly in a familiar way. She fell to the ground, her neck broken. But not dead. I dusted my hands off before placing them back in my pockets. "She was annoying." I observe. Nikoli gave a hearty chuckle before stepping over his younger sister's limp body and kept on walking with me to the Salvatore boarding house. "Rebekah is annoying."

"She's a halfwit who obviously cannot see past her own nose." I informed him. The dark haired boy grinned at me. "She's my partner in crime."

"Was." I corrected him. "I am now. " He inclined his head. "True." I tilted my head to the side as my ears picked up something, my nostrils flaring at the scent of human blood. Fresh human blood. "Did you hear that?"

"And I smell it," He agreed. We both ran towards the source, my fangs sliding out. Oh, it had been ages since I'd had a bite to eat. Nikoli was obviously effortlessly faster than me, and yet he kept face with my slower speed. He came to rest about two seconds later in a dark ally way, a girl slumped against the wall, terrified, and a dark haired man standing above her with his eyes red and his fangs out. Nikoli moved to join the feast, but my arm snapped out to stop him. He looked at me questioningly. "Damon." I greeted the dark haired man. "How great it is to see you again."

His head snapped towards the sound, and his eyes rolled. "Lizbeth. Why are you here? Why are you with him?" I raised my eyebrows and stalked towards the girl, crouching down besides her and sinking my teeth into her neck artery, my teeth going through as easily as if it were butter. Nikoli crouched on the other side and joined me in taking a drink, one of his large hands snapping out to keep her restrained as she jolted forwards. When her body went limp, I retracted my fangs from her and wiped the blood off my chin, Nikoli doing the same besides me. I stood. "Nikoli?" I asked. "Yes." Damon hissed. "Oh, we're..." I inclined my head as I looked for a word. "Allies." Said Nikoli supplied before adding, "And, Salvatore, I do not appreciate being talked about as if I was not here." Damon continued to ignore Nikoli, which I knew would infuriate him. "You mean that you are hooking up." I growled through my teeth. "Damon." It was warning, and he knew that. "I'm telling the truth," He went on spitefully, "There was Daniel-"

"Shut up." Nikoli had Damon shoved against the alley wall, his hands wrapped around Damon's neck. "I'll kill you." He growled. "Definitely hooking up." Damon squeezed out. "Did you know," I said, walking slowly towards the two men, "That if you deprive a body of oxygen then the eyes will literally pop out of their sockets?" I reached them. "I saw it happen once."

"Fascinating." Nikoli agreed. "Shall we see if Damon's eyes do the same?"

"Let's." Nikoli's grip tightened visibly, and Damon choked. His eyes began to expand, and- "Lizbeth." Someone growled. I turned to see Stefan there. "Hello, Stefan." I greeted. "Come to save Damon? No need to, he'll survive." I grinned wickedly. "I think so, anyway. Never done it on a vampire before." Nikoli shared a grin. "Let him go." He snarled. "Relax, Stefan! No need to always occupy the do-gooder role. Let someone else have a turn for once!"

"Liz, look that this." I turned back, and after looking at Damon, I informed Nikoli, "They're going to pop in a second." You never turn your back on a Salvatore. I know that. So I expected the sound of Stefan's quick approach, and whirled around in a crouch, extending one leg out and sweeping his feet from under him.

POP. Went the sound of Damon's eyes as they splattered on Nikoli. "Interesting." He said as he wiped the gore off his jacket, releasing his hold on Damon who slid to the floor unconscious. "Isn't it?" I agreed. In one swift movement, Nikoli was stood over Stefan and he brought his foot down on his back. It broke with a loud, audible snap, and Stefan also fell unconscious. "It was fun meeting your family." Nikoli informed me. "I hope meeting your will be just as fun."

"Trust me- it'll be better."

Hello my lovely readers!

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Word Count: 1088

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