Chapter 15: Trapped

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Lizbeth's POV
I woke tuned to a chair, my hands bound behind me, my legs tied, and duct tape over my mouth. Even with my vampire sight, no shred of light pierced the darkness that engulfed me. My first even slightly coherent thought was, 'Nikoli' and I was immediately assessing the situation. I tugged my hands appear, gauging that the rope used was no ordinary rope. They weren't coming free. The next option, stand and smash the chair, was discounted as I felt the cold of the chair seep into my skin. Metal. The clever bastard. My legs were tied with the same rope, digging into my skin as I tried to wiggle free.

I was trapped.

I knew I was upright. I knew I was in a room, small, probably soundproof if Niklaus was clever. There was so light and yet there probably was a lamp somewhere, because if he deigned to come and interrogate me he'd want some flair. A quick tap on my foot against the floor told me of metal, the clang resounding. Some sort of container?

The second thought that crossed my mind was hunger. I was so hungry. How long had I been out? My fangs slid down as my senses tried to focus on some blood. But I was less than surprised to find my senses couldn't move past the small room. Some sort of spell, no doubt. A low growl ripped from my throat almost involuntary as I realised he'd taken me. He'd taken me away from Nikoli.

I was going to kill him.

I was going to rip his throat out with my teeth.

I banged my feet on the floor as best I could, making as much noise as I possibly could. It wasn't much later when a small light showed the outlines of a door, and it opened. For a second, I was blinded by the light that suddenly my eyes needed to a just to, but it was almost instantaneous as I saw once again. The man standing in the door looked irritated, scowling as he assessed me.
"What do you want, you little brat?" He asked. One sniff told me he was human, and the blood running through is veins was so fresh, so warm and his skin would be so easy to sink my teeth- I snarled, lurching forwards as much as I could, my instincts demanding food, and a source right there. To the guy's credit, he didn't flinch. But against it, he closed the doors very quickly. I resumed my banging, furious. I hated being helpless. And here I was. I could only hope Nikoli would find me soon.

Kol's POV
I paced the floor in front of the wolf pack, fury running through me fast as a riptide but also calm as I went through just what, exactly I would do to my brother once I found him and Liz. "You're going to wear a path in the carpet." The sarcastic one said. I couldn't be bothered to remember their names, the only thing I was concerned about was their seer finding my love.

And if she didn't, they had bigger problems to worry about than finding her.

I didn't reply to the one that commented- or at least, not in words. I growled back, my mind on overdrive as I considered what could be happening to her while they were taking time, so much time, finding her. And then a foreign kind of pain rippled over my body as I thought of finding her, mutated, cut, in way somewhere. But soon after the draft of pain came an onslaught of rage. Every second counted, and the more I waited, the longer we toll-free "You better find her fast."

"Lydia's the best we've got. We'll have her in no time." The leader said, his tone meant to be reassuring but really only pissing me off more. "Where's Liz's mate during all of this, eh? He'd find her quicker! How convenient he disappeared as soon as I found a use for his miserable, desperate ass."

"Don't talk about Derek like that." Another warned. Why was he always wearing scarves? It's roasting outside! "I don't care. I want to know where he is, I want him to find her and I want to make my brother pay. If that price be his head or his life, I do not mind." I turned to where they were all sat at the take I was pacing in front of, slamming my hands down on the table had enough that they all jumped. "It's in your best interests," I growled, "To help me. Or I might find another use for you by adding your name onto the list my brother's is on." Before they could react, or I could say more, the door flew open and Damon stormed in with his mate hot on his heels. "Where the fuck is my sister?"

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