Chapter 17: The Whole Kidnapping Thing

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Kol's POV

I was surprised to say the least- the werewolves weren't my favourite people on a good day, and this particular werewolf was not the kind I could enjoy the company of. After the surprise, two emotions quickly followed- suspicion, which has to be completely normal. Where was he when I was working to get his mate and the love of my life home? The finger said he helped. The second emotion was, also validly (or at least I believed), anger. If he had taken her away from me... my fangs descended at the thought. "What do you want, Derek?" I asked. He was still out of breath, but he pointed at me and gasped out, "Shirt."

"Ah." I walked over to the wardrobe and pulled on a shirt. I waited more patiently than I thought I would for him to catch his breath. "So?" I asked irritably as he straightened up. "I need you help."

"We've established that. I need to know what you do. Where have you been these past few days?" He took a long look at me, and I raised my eyebrows. My patience was going to get very thin, very fast. "Do you know where Liz is?" I pressed. "Kind of." He replied. I was in front of him in a second, baring my teeth. "I will kill you if you had a hand in this."

"I didn't!" He protested. "Okay." I said slowly, not backing off. "Then how do you know where she is?"

"I don't, not really. He... I can only remember little bits. A box. A big, metal box." I was snarling. "He keeps her there?"

"I think so." I was gone and in the kitchen before he registered what happened, typing on my phone. 

You: Get over here. Now.

He replied surprisingly quick to say it was the early hours of the morning. Maybe he had as much trouble sleeping as I.

Damon: I'll be right there.

I set the phone down, and began pacing the kitchen. A box? There was the chance that she wasn't even in town. I didn't know of any places here. Someone who did? My phone was back in my hand in a second.

You: I need to know places where one could store a metal box big enough to hold a vampire. In town or out.

I thought for a moment before adding,

You: Right now.

The door bell rang, and then loud, hard knocking. I opened the door for Damon, who stormed in. I answered my phone as it rang. "What?" I snapped. "No hello?" The voice replied. A horribly familiar voice. I signalled to Damon, who walked over with death in his eyes. I put the phone on speaker and glared at him to be quiet. "I think we're past that." I replied. "Maybe you're right."

"I'm always right." A pause on the other end of the line. "I know you have the werewolf there." I cursed in my head, and Damon and I shared a look. "What werewolf?" I asked. A long shot, but one worth trying. "I'm not stupid."

"Worth a shot." I replied. "I assume you're trying to find her? Pooling all your resources?" I reigned in the growl. "When I get her back-"


"When I get her back, I will kill you."

"Your own brother? How harsh." I glanced at Damon. His eyes were fixed on the phone in my hand. "Oh, come on. You staked me and put me in a coffin for 900 years. I think you gave up the right of being my brother a long time ago, Klaus." He chuckled. "She's safe."

Then the line disconnected.

Lizbeth's POV

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