Chapter 14: Just wanted to let you know

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Nikoli's POV

Me and Lizbeth shared a look. "And what was that?" She questioned. "Well- he didn't say much- but him and Derek were talking and-"

"Get to the point." I said irritably. "He's- Peter- trying to locate it because he says that he wants it's power or something. He wants to be an alpha again." Lizbeth inclined her head. "Well, can you tell us where it is?"

"He said something about someone called Klaus, but- I swear, I don't know who he is."

"We do." I said grimly. How did everything always lead back to Niklaus? "Can I go now? I am meant to be in school." She said. I looked to Liz, who nodded, and I let her go. "Don't make the mistake of thinking," I growled, "That this is the last you'll be seeing us." She nodded and with one last fearful look over her shoulder, entered the classroom once again. "Niklaus." Liz mused, beginning to walk. I walked besides her as she continued, "Why Niklaus?"

"One would assume it's because he's a control freak. He knows that it can destroy him, and so he wants it. So he can't be... destroyed." She didn't reply, but began biting her cheek. "But does he have it now? Or is he simply playing the game?"

"He could be bluffing." I conceded. Niklaus wouldn't want anyone to know if he didn't have it. Liz's phone chimed, and she pulled it out. I looked over her shoulder to read the text.

Damon: Hello, it's Damon's friend. Enzo. Just wanted to let you know that we're coming.

She frowned and typed a reply.

You: Where? When?

Damon: To Beacon Hills. Today. Damon sends his best regards.

You: Why?

She didn't get a reply. I gently took the phone from her hands, pressing a light kiss to her temple. I typed a message.

You: Hello, it's Liz's boyfriend. Kol. Just wanted to let you know that if you lay a hand on Lizbeth, I will rip it off and send it back to the Salvatore boarding house in a box. I will then stake you through the heart. Liz sends her best regards.

I clicked send and turned off her phone, setting it back into her hands. Liz laughed. "God, Nikoli."

"What?" I asked innocently. She stopped walking, and so did I. I turned to face her, and she set her hands on my face. "I love you." She whispered. "As I love you." I replied, placing my own hands on her waist and pulling her towards me. "And if anyone- Anyone," She said, "Tries to hurt you, then I will make their eternity miserable."

"Ditto," I replied, "I don't think I can live without you now."

"Good, because you're stuck with me Nikoli." Liz said. She leaned up on her tiptoes and pressed a soft kiss to my mouth, her hands sliding into my hair. I kissed her back. It was sweet, the kind of kiss that promised an eternity. When we pulled away, I set my arm over her shoulders and we began to walk out of the school, her own arm set around my waist.

Derek's POV

A sharp pain went through me, and I stopped mid-sit up. "What's up?" Stiles asked. "Nothing." I replied, sitting up completely. I stretched off, hoping the pain would go. But it got worse. I let out a low groan. "Derek?" Scott asked. "I'm fine." I snapped. "Go."

"What?" Stiles asked. "Go!" I shouted, flinging my arm towards the door. Scott frowned, but took his best friends arm and left. I let my arm drop and made my way to the sofa, laying down. My shoulders ached. My head pounded. And as the door flung open again, I sat up and prepared to shout at whoever had come back. But it wasn't someone I recognised. "Why hello there." The dirty blond-haired man said. "Nice place you've got here, isn't it?" He asked, tapping his fist on the wall. "Who are you? What do you want?"

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