Chapter 12: MI6

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Kol's POV

"No. Of course not." I replied. "Good. I don't appreciate you talking about me in the way you just did, Niklaus." She said, releasing me. I stood deathly still. "What are you going to do about it, little lamb?" He asked, taking another sip from his tea. "Little I may be," She said, cracking her knuckles, "But that doesn't mean that I'm not a Salvatore and I can't beat the crap outta you." 

"I'd like to see you try, Princess." He replied, completely unconcerned. "Are you here for a reason?"  She asked. "Why, to heal you. You look quite well, however."

"I'm fine now. You can leave."

"But I quite like it here. I think I might stay." My fists clenched by my sides. "Perhaps," Liz replied in the same unconcerned tone he had adopted, "But not here. Leave." Niklaus stood. "I wish you luck." He said as he set his tea cup down. "With what?" I snapped. He turned to face us, grinning in the manic way of his. "With finding the black diamond, of course. You think I don't know? Dearest Elijah couldn't keep a secret from me for my life."

"Fuck." She whispered underneath her breath. "Indeed, Princess. Indeed." He then walked out while calling back, "Oh, and Princess- good luck with that mate of yours as well. He seems quite angry."

"What?" I inhaled, and the stink of werewolves made its way up my nose. I cringed. A distinct one in particular- Derek. Damn this day was not starting well for me. The door opened and closed, and the scent of the werewolf stormed into the living room, and into the range of my sight- and previously, of course, due to the racket he made coming in, my hearing range as well. Liz collapsed onto the sofa, and I sat down next to her- slinging a protective arm around her shoulders. I noted the glare Derek then through my way with a satisfied smirk. "Hello. What can I do for you today, Derek?"

"You can stop looking for the black diamond."

"I beg your pardon?" She asked. "You know exactly what I am talking about, Lizbeth."

"That was not what I was begging your pardon for. You think you have the right to tell me what to do?" She laughed. "You're wrong." He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "I'm trying to look out for you."

"Or you just want it for yourself." I countered. "I need it, Derek." She said. "And the only thing that I wouldn't give up to get it is Nikoli. Okay?"

"You don't understand. The people who have it, they wouldn't stop at anything-" I cut him off firmly. "And neither will we."

"Did anyone ask you, moron?" I stood. "What did you just call me?"

"Shall we all just calm down?" Liz drawled. I sat again. "I'll rip your head off one day." I said idly as I replaced my arm around her shoulders. "And I will laugh."

"Not if I rip yours off first."

"Ah," Introduced Liz, "But not if I rip yours off first. Touché, Derek, touché."   His jaw clenched. "Stop looking for it."

"Nope." She replied. His fists clenched. "Break just one of my possessions," I warned, "And I will shove the remains down your throat."

"Did anyone ask you?"

"No, but lucky for you I decided to answer anyway." He stuck up his middle finger. Liz laughed. "What does that mean?" I asked. Being stuck in a coffin for 900 years meant that- well, I wasn't up to date on everything yet.  "Fuck off." Derek growled before standing up and walking out. I commented after him, "It looks like you're the one fucking off." He turned around, a dangerous look in his eyes. I just shrugged. He walked towards where Liz and I were seated, and growled, "Go and die."

"If I wanted to die," I drawled, "I would climb your ego and jump down to your IQ." He lunged, but Liz and I weren't there anymore. My hand was once again wrapped around his throat. "Don't threaten me." I hissed, "Or anyone I care about. Understand?"  He didn't answer, and I applied more pressure. "Understand?"

"Understood." I let go, pleased. "Good. Now, leave." He did so happily.

Liz and I sat across the Sheriff. "Is there something I can help you with? I'm a very busy man." Liz dug around in her pocket for a moment, the Sheriff watching with suspicious eyes. She brought out a badge- MI6. "I'm sure you are, Sheriff. With all the unsolved homicides."

"Ah... Detective Salvatore.  Yes. And this is...?" He asked, gesturing to me. "My associate." She replied. "We're looking for something."

"And that is?" He asked. I interrupted, "Not something we can name. Top Secret. I'm sure you understand, Sheriff." He nodded. "And what does this have to do with me? And my department?"

"I'd like all the files you have on Derek Hale." She cut in. "Why? I know him. He's a good man."

"Not in the eyes of the MI6 currently, Sheriff. I would like all the files you have on Derek Hale."

"I can tell you anything you need to know." He said. I leant back in my chair and said, "Does he have any family."


"What happened to them?"

"Not something I'm allowed to Disclose. I'm sure you understand."

"I'm afraid not, Sheriff." I said. "We have a warrant. We need to know everything." He looked at me. "Can I see it?" 

"Would you rather I call my superior? She's a very busy woman, too, being the Queen and all. Don't think she wants to be disturbed by such things." He bit his lip. "Killed in a fire."

"House?" Asked Liz, jotting down on a notebook I didn't realise she had. "Yes." He replied. "All of them?" I asked, surprised. "Well- there was one survivor. Peter Hale."

"Of what relation?" Liz asked. "His Uncle."

"Where can we find him now?" I asked. "You would have to ask Derek." Liz and I shared a look. I don't think he's going to be very willing considering this morning. "Anyone else?" She asked. "His daughter, Malia, maybe?"

"Derek's cousin."

"Yes." She nodded and wrote more down. "Where might we find her?" I asked. "School. Beacon Hills High." Liz stood. "Thank you for your time, Sheriff."

"You're welcome, Detective Salvatore." We stood and walked out.  "Off to the school we go."


Sorry for the late update. School and stuff. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and don't forget to vote and comment. Let me know if there are any spelling mistakes. Have an amazing morning/afternoon/ evening wherever in the world you are!


Word Count: 1121 

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