Chapter 10: Laugh while I'm doing it

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Derek's POV

Kol lead me up the stairs. As we walked, I took in the house- they must have moved in recently. The walls were blank, undecorated, and the house occupying only the bare necessities. No, I can't imagine they've been here long. Lizbeth doesn't seem like the kind of person who would live in a place so empty. So empty, even, that the words ricocheted off the walls, creating a kind of echo that sent a shiver down your spine. You couldn't say anything in here without someone overhearing you- even if you didn't have superhuman hearing. He walked into a bedroom, also blank; containing only a bed, bedside table and a lamp. And, of course, a light. He flicked the switch and sat himself on the bed, facing me. I remained standing. "I love her." He said, looking me straight in the eyes. "What?" I asked- I don't know what I expected from the mysterious boy, but it certainly wasn't this. His sombre face immediately changed to irritated. "Lizbeth. I love her. And- well, I'm not giving her up."

"I don't want a mate." I repeated, resisting the urge to roll my eyes as I felt like the centuries-old vampire wouldn't appreciate it. "You say that," He observed, "But I know you don't mean it." My jaw clenched. "What do you mean?"

"For one, wolf boy, I can scent you. Every single time you're around her, and let me tell you something- it's not exactly easy to ignore," His mouth downturned in distaste. "Secondly, you never take your eyes off Liz, even when she's not looking at you. I've been alive a long time, wolf boy, and do you know what I find the saddest?" I don't answer, but he carries on anyway. "Unrequited love." He laughs darkly. "And you're well on your way to it if you son't let her go, wolf boy."

"I don't see how my relationship with my mate is any of your business, vampire." Something dark crossed his face, and I was slammed against the wall- his hand wrapped firmly around my neck. "Don't talk to me like that ever again. Do you understand?"

"Le- let m- l- let me go!" I managed to get out. "Do you understand?"

"Yes!" He released his hold, while I pretended to gasp for air. I whipped my first around, aiming for his face, but only to encounter his hand- wrapping around my first and stopping it in mid air. "Is that all you've got, wolf boy?" He challenged. "Because that was weak." I growled, my eyes flashing and my teeth sliding out. He just laughed- the same way that one would imagine a maniac would. "You can't beat me, wolf boy, not even if you had a whole army on your side. Many have tried- all have failed." I snarled. "So stay away from Liz." He said calmly, but in the same tone that ensured the danger of failure to complete the task he'd set me, "Or I will. Rip. Out. Your. Throat." He leaned closer to me. "And I will laugh while I am doing it, wolf boy. After all..." He slid his hands into his pockets, walking towards the door- but turning around to face me, finishing his sentence before he opened the door and walked out, "I am the Crazy one." The door opened, and he walked out with his hands once again in his pockets- whistling the tune to 'The Adam's Family'.

Lizbeth's POV

Nikoli was aware that I could hear their conversation- even the beginning, when he professed his love. I would have preferred the first time he said it to be to my face, but I'll take what I can get. And the only thing that went though my mind was, 'He loves me too'. He was aware that I heard all the threats and the arguments- he knew my ears could pick up the sound of him slamming Derek against the wall, nearly choking him. He knew that if I had really cared that much, then I would have gone and stopped him. So to him, who had no idea I returned his feelings, that was a win. What I found most comical was when he whistled 'The Adam's Family'. That was how I knew he knew I knew, because I told his that back in the day it was always my favourite programme. Deaton had administered some kind of cure- I couldn't say I was paying attention, so it could have ben vervain for all I knew- and told me that I needed to rest. I shrugged and said that I would- at which point Nikoli strolled back down the stairs, a fuming Derek soon after. "Hey."

"Hey." I replied, not objecting when he slung his arm over my shoulder- and even went as far as to place my own around his waist. Deaton said, "We'll be off."

"Okay. Thank you, Deaton." I said. Nikoli caught his arm. "Yes?" Asked Deaton. "Seriously- I'm really grateful that you came. If you ever happen to be in Mystic Falls and need anything, just ask."

"Thank you. No problem." He said, before taking Derek and showing himself out. I collapsed on the sofa- Nikoli sitting next to me, once again putting his arm over my shoulders. "What else did he say?" Nikoli asked. "To rest. He says I'll be fine soon."

"Rest for how long?"

"Until I'm fine, silly." He laughed. "Gods, I love you." Everything seemed to stop. Nikoli suddenly sat up straight, his arm falling off my shoulders as his eyes went wide and he swallowed. "I mean, I meant-"

"No." I said, tired- my eyes fluttering closed. "Nikoli, I love you too." And with that, I fell asleep.

Kol's POV

What? My mind went blank. She- she- she loved me too? Suddenly, like the dam broke, my mind was flooded with relief as it truly sank in- She loved me. I loved her. And all was right in the world, if only in this very moment where she was asleep, her head slumped into my lap, her arms under her head, forming a kind of make-shift pillow. I smiled softly, And moved her head gently onto the sofa. I stood, placing one arm under her knees and the other behind her neck. I lifted her up, before carrying her up the stairs and placing her under my bed covers. I then proceeded to get in the other side, tucking her against me. I kissed her forehead softly, letting my lips linger on the soft skin there. "I love you." I whispered as I pulled away- and almost as if she had heard me, even in the distant land of sleep, she muttered back, "I love you too."


I was wondering if it was ever going to happen, myself- it was quite spontaneous while I was writing it, to tell the truth. As to not break what as now undoubtedly become tradition- or at least routine, come on- please tell me if there are any spelling mistakes and leave a comment. Don't forget to vote! Have a perfect morning/afternoon/evening wherever in the world you are and of course an amazing 2020!


Word Count: 1202

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