Chapter 3

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

Fukunaga takes a sip of his cappuccino, gaining a small smile as he sets the yummy drink down and brings his warm muffin to his lips. Humming in pleasure as the taste takes over his mouth, he just knows that even if he won't be very close that he'll still find a way to visit sometimes once he lives in the area. His eyes dance over to the window to watch people rush around while he's in a calm, quiet world all his own.

So delicious. Definitely grabbing another one before I leave. He's almost through his treat when his phone starts ringing. He props the electronic against the coffee table's napkin basket and accepts the chat from Kuroo, waving in greeting again.

"I have good news for you, Fukunaga. Your amaaazing and lovable senpai- what the hell are you eating?" The bedhead notices the boy looks dwarfed by an overly plush chair, sleeves engulfing his hands, so utterly blissful while nibbling on some dark brown object to the point that he isn't sure Fuku's even listening to him at all.

The sign for muffin comes back at him and with a raise of a dark eyebrow he finds out the variety without meaning to. Snickering, he shakes his head before getting back on topic. "How can you look so happy when you aren't even physically smiling?"

Okay so maybe not on topic, but it's true and Kuroo is really curious about it. The boy projects his aura so well that the lack in overtly changing expressions in public places doesn't really affect those around him even when on the phone. Plus, Kuroo's known the mute for so long now, he's a little better at reading him than others (at least he thinks so, the younger often notes and doesn't correct his mistakes of believing that) and proudly puffs his chest out at the thought and stands taller.

The older raven can practically see flowers and sparkles dancing around the wide-eyed boy. It shouldn't be possible for someone who's so unassumingly deadly on court and almost 180 centimeters to look so small and cute. There're exceptions obviously if one looks at this guy, Akaashi or Tsukki. That salty fry's even taller than both of them. Maybe it's the way they curl up or the messy hair? Or is it the way they're so unassuming? Could be mistaken for innocent. I'll ask Mori... or not.

He shakes his head as his thoughts wander off. The urge to screen shot it and send it to Yaku's too much so he snaps a quick one that he'll send after. He knows he's busted for it too as he watches the younger momentarily freeze at the shutter sound his device makes that carries across to the younger's speakers.

They stare at each other for a few long seconds before Fuku tilts his head the opposite way causing the older to speak again, ready to ignore the moment entirely as he decides Kuroo's being weird again. I should talk to Yaku about that, maybe he can fix him? "Oh, right! I've got a friend coming to get you who can help you get around. You know better than to go somewhere alone with your sense of direction. We've talked about this! What's Yakkun going to say when he finds out, huh?"

Fukunaga, completely ignoring the comments on his lack of directional skills and the accompanying attempted 'stern' look like they didn't exist, blinks rapidly while jolting out of his slouching position to lean forward in an attempt to quickly change topic from the scary libero by backtracking. Let's face it, they say 'if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy' for a reason. He bites into his remaining bit of muffin to free his hands, responding with quick signs. "Really? You found someone?"

"Yepp. He'll be there in a little bit so just stay put for now until he gets there and you meet up." Kuroo nods while leaning back against a wall. Shohei absently notes that he's outside the gym doors, practice being seen over the man's right shoulder.

"Awesome, thanks Kuroo. Who is it?" His response is a little curious as he polishes off his treat and grabs his drink, hunger abating and wanting more warmth.

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