Chapter 5

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

They're walking down the road on their way to Bokuto's apartment after said man quickly shoots Kuro a text saying, 'You're a dead man.' He thinks it's quite appropriate considering he's walking next to someone who falls under his definition of perfect (he's ignoring that they're friends so it makes sense to call him of all people and that he's having a good time). Kuro should have known better this time.

He still doesn't know if he wants to kill Kuroo for putting him in this position or for not doing it sooner, uncertain if this was simply desperation or if he should take it as permission. He shrugs it off and gives the muffin over to a (because of him Bokuto smugly notes) super happy kitty cat, soft spot for him is growing again.

They may not have hung out outside of volley related events before, but they have occasionally during events and it's nice. There's almost always someone around from Nekoma and Fukurodani (usually Akaashi) to act as buffers though, the former for Fuku to hide behind or just rely on and the latter to keep Bokuto from getting too crazy especially when with the cat captain. It's... odd, but warm and fuzzy.

Kotaro usually gets distracted by the louder members in moments, even if it's just for a minute, and the pale teen would migrate back to Tora to keep him from doing something stupid or with one of the others. On the rare occasion, they'd run into each other without others around and they'd make do just fine (after some work anyways, originally it was a bit hard and frustrating). They're all good times, always learning something. This is a new, but not unwelcome experience. It's comfortable as they get to know each other better on a personal level without interference.

They've been making amazingly horrible puns back and forth in between ever since that nervously thrown first one as they were leaving the cafe. Fukunaga seeming unsure for a few steps until Bokuto giddily cracked three puns back to back at the unsuspecting feline, who was thinking he offended the slack jawed owl somehow.

Fuku had stopped walking in shock before an excitable aura radiates around him and he whips his phone back out to continue the conversation with a little bounce in his step. They haven't been able to stop since, neither hide their happiness from discovering a fellow punner and being able to do so relentlessly without lectures.

Over the course of the next ten minutes of their slower than death walk that's more focused on talking than actually getting somewhere, Bo's (as Fukunaga temporarily deems him in return until he figures out a better, more permanent nickname for the funny man) usual hyperactivity lowers some to a more human level whereas Fuku's a bit more energetic than usual, hands zipping around in an unusually talkative manner for him before remembering to type it instead.

They discuss a good deal of things including the fact that Bokuto's apartment is semi small to which he declares that since they're both guys (and used to it) it'll be fine for them to share a bed and thus no one would be sleep deprived from the torture of extended couch stays. They kind of brush passed the topic lightly within the first couple minutes of their walk, more concerned with other things. It'll be nowhere near as bad as camp can be with only two guys around instead of full teams piled into small rooms filled with futons. Fukunaga loves being comfy.

At one point, Bo stops abruptly looking rather disturbed as he rubs at his neck. He rather likes how cute the smaller boy looks engulfed in his grey hoodie as he stops to look up at the taller. He insisted the boy wear it when he noticed him rubbing his arms discreetly, after all he isn't wearing it and there is a chilly breeze with the sun descending. He speaks dejectedly in a disheartened mumble, ashamed. "I really need to tell you something before you stay with me... It's kinda important."

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