Chapter 25

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

Friday passes surprisingly quickly, the trip to the school the only eventful thing really. They take a jog after a gentle wake-up, talk to Tora as they reach the apartment again to get cleaned up (Tora's happy he's still making an effort while away and Fuku almost feels guilty, but doesn't admit it's the first and last time he has), and switch to the messenger on the computer as they take turns showering.

They easily decide to get a light sandwich or something for breakfast at the Geekery. Rather, Bokuto confidently declares that's what they'll do next and Fukunaga just nods back. The owl cheers and in response Shohei throws his hands up too, getting squished in another overly tight hug by thick arms as Kotaro gushes about cuteness. They head out once Fukunaga is freed from the boa like grip, taking their time as the owl rambles before going to the university for the tour.

It goes smoothly, looking through the rooms and pointing out which ones the cat would probably use most in his curriculum. The tour ends at the music room he performed in with the gorgeous grand piano by the window. Fukunaga has a hard time focusing on anything being said once his eyes catch sight of it, heart leaping as his excitement spikes. It really is a beautiful instrument and so perfectly tuned.

As the end of the tour's announced, he barely manages to catch the guy's attention to show a saved text asking if he can play for his friend and show his pieces to the two-tone. He gets a careless nod and the guide vaguely claims he'll be back in a bit to bring them to the room where the art's kept. He thanks him happily in a text with a bow and waves the guy off, the owl mildly confused. It's only then that Fuku realizes Bokuto is already in the room touching everything, internally panicking.

What? He can't be blamed for that! Bokuto is like an excited bull in a china shop.

The confusion clears to make way for excitement again when the smaller wanders over to stop in front of the piano and lift the case to expose ivory keys. Kotaro puts the pieces together on what was said (he'd been looking around at all the strange objects in the room that he's unfamiliar with, amazed that there are so many and it's only one room) as the raven flashes a questioning look his way, Bo darting over. "Of course, I still wanna! Yeees!" He grins and sits on the bench as gingerly as he can like the feline does, Fuku frowning at his yelling. Bokuto's sure he doesn't pull it off as gracefully as the cat despite his efforts, but damn it he tried! Surely the raven will give him points for that. Fukunaga just stares blankly as the two-tone nearly bounces in his seat, gold darting everywhere they can.

After a short internal conflict as a pale finger hesitantly presses one key down in a testing fashion, Fukunaga takes a deep breath and nervous glance at Bokuto as he considers the situation in its entirety. He's never played for a friend just because.

Or at all.

It's kind of scary and nerve-wracking to be honest, but oddly not at the same time.

He realizes he does, in fact, want to do this. He wants to share this part of himself with his friends, but the idea frightens him somewhat. He's not hiding it, but he definitely doesn't flaunt it or openly show off without being asked which never happens because they don't know he can in order to know asking to hear or see is a possibility. His friends don't know he can do this, but... Bokuto does. He'd been okay with it, had reacted so well when Shohei told him and even got him that cool case.

As midnight look at the owl, Fukunaga thinks this would make a good first step.

The taller sits there watching him or inspecting the piano with an innocent smile, curiosity glinting in yellow as he fidgets. Kotaro won't judge his choices and he'll be honest with his own opinion. He has to be. They promised and you're only as good as your word. Fuku has no doubt he'll be earnest, he believes in Kotaro entirely.

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