Chapter 27

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff. I suck, I know. Post will explain if ya wanna hear it.

The first several days back are hectic, they don't really get to talk for about a week except a few minutes at night. It's hard to get any decent sleep and their computers always shut off before morning due to idling too long or batteries dying.

They're both sleep deprived and cranky when they get up for a few days, people avoiding them mostly as they get back into routine. They're in really good moods otherwise though, exceptionally so even if they're a bit more distracted and on their phones more often than they used to be. Most think nothing of any of it.

It's more unusual for Fukunaga to be on his phone so much rather than Bokuto who calls Akaashi and his old team a million times a day (even his mom), but the cats assume the raven found another app he likes as he does once in a while like a phase.

Fukunaga has some work that Coach Nekomata insists he finishes before returning to volley, he doesn't see his friends much unless it's in distracted passing while he's either rushing between things or playing catch-up. Thankfully they get it and are cool. He doesn't want to miss too much more practice than he already has though so he's working hard, he'll hang out with the guys on the weekend or something.

Bokuto's usual routine isn't too badly messed up as it's more flexible right now, but in turn he ends up working a lot and he's started some tutoring thing. By the time they get to actually talk, they're mostly sprawled in bed with brief descriptions of their days before crashing out. Bokuto goes emo a few times at the lack of being able to talk or hang out, but they work it out over time and promises to more later.

Bokuto isn't the most patient person, whining about needing distractions to wait.

At the moment, Fukunaga's a lot busier out of the two but that doesn't mean Bokuto won't be later when college gets into swing with the harder stuff and they end up exhausted from day to day things. Kotaro worries about Fuku because of it.

When it's time to get back to practice there's discussions on what he's missed, congratulations in person on getting in since he'd told everyone on a video chat and what not. They even go to karaoke to celebrate the mute's success which is kind of amusingly ironic. Fukunaga plugs his ears whenever Lev or Tora try to sing though.

Kuroo's there for another two days after Fuku's returned before going back himself. He doesn't get to see the taller raven much due to all the craziness but figures he will soon enough when either another visit happens or college.

He can't risk his ability to graduate and get out of this house, it's too dangerous.


At one point (after everything's normal again), the team goes for ice cream. Fuku's sitting in the grass, spoon hanging from his mouth as he texts with Kotaro. A huge hand invades his vision suddenly causing him to flinch like he's going to be hit until he realizes it's trying to grab his necklace. He panics instead. He snatches it hard while twisting backwards, eyes narrowed dangerously with a near growl as Lev yelps and pleads for him to let go. It's eerily quiet as everyone stares in shock for a few moments before they try to help, he's been taking too many lessons from Yaku.

"I'm sorry! Really! I won't do it again! Promise!" The raven blinks rapidly in surprise as his mind catches up and releases with a vague nod, returning to his normal self. He signs an apology to the behemoth and asks him to be careful as he frowns slightly, fingers wrapping around his cherished treasure like it needs protection.

His reaction was completely off instinct before he fully registered the situation.

"I just wanted to look at it... It's all shiny and sparkly and stuff." Lev's massaging his wrist with a sulky pout as he stares at the raven next to him with a loud whine.

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