Chapter 17

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff. Hints of intimacy.

In the kitchen, Fukunaga's pulling out the dishes they'll need to eat as he turns the stove off. His head tilts with a happy aura to spot his phone that hoots excitedly at him from the counter, Koko's texted back. The pale man had jokingly sent him, 'I was going to let you know souper is almost ready, but I chickened out.'

Moving the pot to the side so it can start cooling, he makes his way back over and opens his new message with a little eager smile. He freezes before quickly saving the picture that's curiously attached. It's just Kotaro from the bare shoulders up, but his hair is dripping, clean and down. He's clearly showing it off as his head is tilted down while resting on an arm draped on the side of the tub lazily and cheeks a little pink as he grins from the heat of being in there for about an hour.

Fukunaga decides that he's keeping it regardless of what anyone else thinks or says. It's his now. Besides, what no one knows can't hurt them. It's not his fault, he can't help how handsome the man looks in the picture with a sly grin and broad shoulders and... He needs to stop drooling. He won't tell him any of that though, Bokuto has way too big of an ego as it is and Sho doesn't want to deal with that.

With it is a return 'be right out. Udon have to wait on miso just curry on.' Giggling in amusement (sending a picture back of him with a thumbs up) as he flips through the channels on the television, he settles on the Goblet of Fire with a careless shrug. Making his way back, he starts to dish out the simple meal along with the rice and such before grabbing the juice to pour into their cups. He brings it all to the demon coffee table (they blamed it), setting bowls as covers on them so it doesn't get cold while he waits on the owl anyway. It'll be nicer to eat together.

He makes one last trip to the counter when he notices he forgot his phone, it's then his friend bursts back into the open space in grey winking owl covered pajama pants that have the word 'Hoot!' all over in a childish rainbow font dramatically while yelling about something smelling amazing. Shohei tries to stifle it as he cracks up at Bokuto who starts commenting on the movie as soon as he catches sight of it with a petulant tone as if it's real despite the silly topic and his current attire. He's not really listening as he's torn between thinking whether the taller's handsome or cute at this point. He so easily pulls off both without meaning to.

Not that he'll tell Bokuto that, he has a big enough ego without Fuku helping it. He's swiftly learning that compliments are good once in a while, but if he just throws them around carelessly or too often the owl gets a big head and is insufferable.

As the man turns his head to the screen again while waving at it in the middle of some comment, Fukunaga gasps loudly. His hand covering his mouth in horror as his eyes widen a bit further than normal and fill with pain. Bokuto whips back at the noise in alarm, brow furrowing in worry. "What? What's wrong? I didn't do it!"

The next thing he knows, the owl has his arms filled with a cat who's pulling him down by the shoulder to get a better view. The other white hand wrapping gently around the uninjured side of his neck as the one on his opposite shoulder trails to his throat but slower to where navy hues are focused. Kotaro realizes belatedly Shohei's seeing the damage his biting did for the first time as a light tingle passes through his body with the delicate digits brushing around it's edges gingerly. Fuku gives a soft whimper as he bites his bottom lip with the same teeth that caused so much pain. It looks worse than it is though. "It's not bad really. Just don-"

Bokuto tries to warn him not touch it as it's quite sensitive being on the sweet spot on his neck right at the juncture. His body seems to agree on its placement while going against the not gutter driven part of his mind and taken to the alternate way his brain attempted to supply earlier with gusto. He doesn't get to finish the warning as the lithe man prods a bit more firmly on the second pass over directly on it, face close enough for the tanned skin to feel his hot breath ghosting over it.

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