Chapter 30

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

Kotaro's arms are filled with a precious crying cat as he's tipped onto the floor from his precarious squatting position. He pets dark hair and rubs his back as he pulls them close while sitting up with the clinging cat on his lap. He has no clue what's triggered this, but he figures it's pointless to keep asking until Shohei calms down enough to tell him so he fidgets. When the younger sits back while wiping at his eyes, Bokuto runs his thumbs in gentle arcs on thin hips with a questioning look.

"Sorry, it's just... I know it probably sounds silly, but... You're reading my signs, really reading them and even signing back. We don't need help like a phone or writing now." The feline still has a tear or two falling as he gives an honest happy laugh with the widest grin he's made in a very long time. "We can just talk."

Suddenly it all makes sense and the owl facepalms with a huff, cursing. "Damn it! It was supposed to be a surprise! I was going to show you later when I'd gotten good at it. Better at making them too... I didn't notice I was doing iiit. I wanted to master it by your birthday, but it's a lot harder than I expected it'd be. Akaashi warned me I was taking it too lightly and I didn't listen, but I'm getting there now."

Fukunaga stares then nudges the older, no reaction from the head that drops onto his shoulder with a heavy dejected cry. He chews on the inside of his cheek and squirms as several more attempts fail, wanting to praise all the man's hard work and clear effort rather than deal with the emo mode Bokuto's actually doing right now. He's too happy making him fidgety and impatient. He's lucky he's so cute.

He's doing so well. He held his own for all that talking and wasn't shy about saying what he needed when it came up in order to keep it going or when he didn't understand or get upset over mistakes like some people do. What does he have to be upset about now? Am I too happy? He's amazing, sweet, funny... Oh god, I sound like such a sap. I've got it bad. Thank god he isn't telepathic, it'd be embarrassing. How do I get him to look at me? I need his attention for a bit. Wow, that sounds so unlike me. What is he doing to me? Look at me, Koko... Oooh, that might work.

A lightbulb going off, dark eyes glint mischievously. Kuro probably shouldn't be his inspiration as it wasn't the best experience. Well... Actually, it was pleasant and the best intimate experience he's had at this point, that was the problem then and now he's deciding to do something quite similar as his curiosity wins out over timidity.

The only other experiences remotely close to that level of intimacy (or at all) he has are just the kisses with Bokuto. Though they're always amazing in their own way, they've been innocent and chaste. He still surprises Fuku once in a blue moon with a peck out of nowhere (Fuku gets so flustered and panicked he tries to duck away each time while flushing all the way to his ears) and although Fukunaga wishes to do the same and be that way too, he isn't brave enough to follow through on the mouth like Bokuto does. The owl kisses his lips, cheek, hand, whatever he can reach when he feels like it. He's extremely affectionate like that. Fukunaga might on the cheek or such rarely at best and even then... he hides or changes topic afterwards.

Usually anyway, sometimes he does it without thinking and makes Bokuto blush instead. He really enjoys those ones if he notices the owl turning pink.

Long fingers trail into the dual locks and he stares for a minute to give him one last chance with a light warning tug, the owl unmoving but he can feel him trying not to laugh as his shoulders shake. Fuku grins as he tilts his head and hovers his mouth by the tan ear, just breathing as he feels the suddenly stiff man shiver instead.

He whines lightly and when that two-toned head pops up a couple inches, he decides the other has had enough chances. He latches onto the shell of the ear carefully with his teeth, lips closing around the lobe. He gives a slow lick before sucking ever so gently. It's only as he's doing it that he realizes it's maybe a tad too intimate.

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